Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday night's HW: Act 3- post questions and answers

Read the entire Act III. Focus on understanding the scene you have not read yet. Post five questions you have and label what scene the question is about. Answer two questions from someone else on the blog. NO REPEATING and watch yout grammar.


  1. Questions-
    1) Act 3, Scene 1
    If Ferdinand is in love with Miranda why did he ask her for her name? He should have known her name if he truly loved her.

    2) Act 3, Scene 1
    I thought it was funny how Miranda asked Ferdinand to marry her shouldnt it have been vis versa?

    3) act 3, scene 2
    im confused, have caliban and stephano planned to murder prospero and marry miranda?

    4) Act 3, Scene 3
    Prosperos goal is to get revenge on Alonso so, then why doesnt Prospero just take Gonzalo with him since Gonzalo was the nice one to him in his time of need?

    5) Act 3, Scene 3
    Are Antonio and Sebastian still planning to take the throne from King Alonso?

  2. Alicia-
    1) Act 3, Scene 1
    If Ferdinand is in love with Miranda why did he ask her for her name? He should have known her name if he truly loved her.

    It is because Ferdinands love was put to the test by Prospero, so each time;he had a new challenge; he could not see Miranda as much. Also because; Prospero told Miranda not to tell him her name. As Ferdinand is now a slave to Prospero; he has to obay his rules.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1)If Ferdinand is a prince, then why does he serve Phrospero as a slave. (Act 3, scene 1)

    2)Are Ferdinand and Miranda willing to get married because of their love.(Act 3, Scene 1)

    3)What does Trinculo mean when he says, "The folly of this island!..." (Act 3, scene 2)

    4)Is Trinculo a drunk? (Act 3, Scene 2)

    5)What is Gonzalos praying for? Is it the spirits? (Act 3, scene 3)

  5. 1). Act 3 scene 1
    Why was Ferdinand carrying logs?

    2). 3 sence2
    How did Caliban exactly meet with Stephano and Trinculo?

    3). Act 3 scene 2
    How does Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo exactly plan to kill or get rid of Prospero?

    4). Act3 scene 3
    Who are the figures that bring in the food?

    5). Act 3 scene 3
    Why does the food dissapear? Does Ariel make the food dissapear or is it Prospero that makes it dissapear?
    Do they really see and hear Prosero?

  6. To Micheal Gutierrez-
    1)If Ferdinand is a prince, then why does he serve Phrospero as a slave. (Act 3, scene 1)

    Ferdinand serves Prospero as a slave because Prospero has taken Ferdinand as a captive and has made him obey his orders. he made him his slave and there is no one to save him from Prosperos cruelty.

    4)Is Trinculo a drunk? (Act 3, Scene 2)

    Yes, Trinculo is drunk. It is said when he says "was there ever man a coward that hath drunk so much sack as I today?"
    sack means a strong light-colored wine formerly imported from Spain and the Canary Islands ( Therefore Trinculo was drunk in that scene.

  7. 0oh and I forgot to say thank you Micheal =D

    To Denise
    Act 3 scene 3
    Why does the food dissapear? Does Ariel make the food dissapear or is it Prospero that makes it dissapear?
    Do they really see and hear Prosero?

    the food disappears because Ariel takes the food from Alonso, Sebastian and Antonio, he was told to do so by Prospero.
    They do not see Prospero he is hidden/ unseen it is said in page 108 in the summary.

  8. >Alicia<
    3) act 3, scene 2
    I'm confused, have Caliban and Stephano planned to murder Prospero and marry Miranda?

    Well so far from what was said in scene 2 from act 3, yes because Caliban was bringing Stephano and Trinculo to where Prospero usually sleeps (A3 S2 P106), and Stephano plans to marry Miranda because when Caliban told Stephano about Miranda's extraordinary beauty, Stephano seemed very happy to hear that Caliban promised him that she was going to be his (A3 S3 P105)

  9. Micheal-
    2)Are Ferdinand and Miranda willing to get married because of their love.(Act 3, Scene 1)

    Yes, they are willing to get married because of their love.

    3)What does Trinculo mean when he says, "The folly of this island!..." (Act 3, scene 2)

    I think when Trinculo said "the folly of this island!..." means that the island is stupid or there is something wrong with this island.
    If there is something you don't understand, at times you can search up words you don't understand. For example searching up what folly meant was helpful.

    Folly: the trait of acting stupidly or rashly

    From that, I kind of figured out what he meant.

  10. Jairam

    1)Why does Gonzalo not feel the same guilt that the other three characters are feeling?

    2)Why did Prospero show the crew a banquet?

    3)Prospero tells Ariel to tell them of himself, why does he not speak to them himself?

    4)Are Sebastion and Antonio sarcastic people?

    5)I understand why they want to kill Alonso, but why do they want to get rid of Gonzalo?

  11. >Jairam<

    Gonzalo doesn't feel the same guilt that the other characters are feeling because he didn't do anything to Prospero to hurt him. remember in class that we talked about how he was the one that gave Prospero the necessary items so him and his daughter could survive? so Gonzalo doesn't have anything to be scared of because he HELPED Prospero and DDN'T try to hurt him

  12. Questions-

    1) Does Ferdinand live with Prospero and Miranda or alone somewhere else? Act 3 Scn 1

    2) Why is Ferdninand so okay with being the slave of Prospero after living the life of a prince? Act 3 Scn 1

    3) Is the way Ferdinand and Miranda got married normal? Isn't there sopposed to be a ceremony kind of thing? Act 3 Scn 1

    4) Does Prospero or Ariel have anything against Trinculo because of the imitations? What did Trinculo do to Ariel/Propero to be played around with? Act 3 Scn 2

    5) Are the "Shapes" sent by Prospero?
    Act 3 Scn 3

  13. To Semir
    Why is Ferdninand so okay with being the slave of Prospero after living the life of a prince? Act 3 Scn 1

    Its because he is ok with the work as long as he can see Miranda everyday

  14. Jairam

    Is the way Ferdinand and Miranda got married normal? Isn't there sopposed to be a ceremony kind of thing? Act 3 Scn 1

    Well they are stranded on an island so I believe that they can bend the rules just a little given their circumstances

  15. Denise

    2). Act 3 sence2
    How did Caliban exactly meet with Stephano and Trinculo?

    There was a big thunder storm in Scene 2of Act 3. Trinculo went under Calibans' cloak for protection, and Stephano came along. Stephano became Calibans' owner, and Trinculo just followed along.

    3). Act 3 scene 2
    How does Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo exactly plan to kill or get rid of Prospero?

    They plan on taking away his books. Thisis because without his books, Prospero, is just a regular man. He needs his books to be powerful. Check out page 105 line 101.

  16. Alicia-
    5) Act 3, Scene 3
    Are Antonio and Sebastian still planning to take the throne from King Alonso?

    Yes they still are planning on taking the throne from Alonso. On page 109 Lines 13-22 Sebastian and Antonio have a little conversation about it.

  17. Oh ok thanks Semir, Maribel and Alicia for answering my questions =)

  18. 1. Act 3 scene 2: Is Stephano just saying he will kill Prospero and be king of the island just to look tough ?

    2. Does Trinculo have any desire at all?

    3. Is Prospero using magic on Ferdinand in Act 3 Scene 1 ? is he doing that to prove Ferdinand's worthiness for Miranda?

    4. Act 3 scene 2: If Stephano does kill prospero will Ferdinand fight for Miranda? But i Highly Doubt Stephano will succeed.

    5.What's the serious business Prospero has to attend before supper ?

  19. -Maribel

    1)Why does Trinculo and Stephano call Caliban "monster"?

    Well Maribel if you recall to the part of the book where Caliban is first introduced he really is a monster. His mother's a witch and he is some sort of ugly goblin.

    3) Does afeard mean afraid?

    Afeared does mean to be afraid.

  20. -Responding to what Winnie and Micheal on Micheal's question.

    3)What does Trinculo mean when he says, "The folly of this island!..." (Act 3, scene 2)

    Winnie said:
    I think when Trinculo said "the folly of this island!..." means that the island is stupid or there is something wrong with this island.
    If there is something you don't understand, at times you can search up words you don't understand. For example searching up what folly meant was helpful.

    Folly: the trait of acting stupidly or rashly

    From that, I kind of figured out what he meant.

    I Jon Castillo say: Yes Micheal and Winnie thats exactly what Trinculo means. He feel that Caliban being Stephano's servant is stupidity. That's also why he called Caliban an idiot for calling Stephano "lord'"

  21. 1) Why is Prospero holding back his happiness when he found out that Miranda and Ferdinand is getting married? (act 3 scene 1)

    2) Why does Trinculo always insult Caliban? (act 3 scene 2)

    3) Does Prospero know Caliban left him for Stephano? (act 3 scene 2)

    4) Did Prospero send Ariel to Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo? and why? (act 3 scene 2)

    5) Why'd Prospero make the shapes and music appear for Sebastain, Alonso, Gonzalo and Antonio and then disappear?

  22. - J.Castillo
    2. Does Trinculo have any desire at all?
    ~ Trinculo's desire is protection. In that scene there was a storm coming and Trinculo had nothing with him. He didnt even make his own shelter; he had to hide under Caliban's cloak for safety. Then he tagged along with Stephano where Stephano has a home on the island which is a cave with the barrel of wine.

  23. -Alicia

    2) Act 3, Scene 1
    I thought it was funny how Miranda asked Ferdinand to marry her shouldnt it have been vis versa?

    It is funny how Miranda is doing most work right? It should have been vice versa for the way we see things but Miranda was desperate so she was showing effort.

  24. - Semir
    5) Are the "Shapes" sent by Prospero?
    Act 3 Scn 3
    ~ The "Shapes" were sent by Prospero because after Sebastian, Alonso, Gonzalo, and Antonio had hear and saw them play music, Prospero decided to go and the "Shapes" vanished at the same time that Prospero went away.

  25. 1). Act 3 scene 2:
    Why did Ariel start to play music after when Trinculo, Caliban and Stephano started to sing?

    2). Act 3 scene 2:
    Throughout this scene, Stephano took Caliban's (who he just met) side rather than a person he knew (Trinculo). Why does Stephano prefer Caliban over Trinculo?

    3). Act 3 scene 3:
    What does
    "You and your ways; whose wraths to guard you from— Which here, in this most desolate isle, else falls Upon your heads—is nothing but hearts' sorrow And a clear life ensuing" (Act 3 line 85 - 89) mean? (spoken by Ariel).

    4). Act 3 scene 2:
    Why did Ariel visit Caliban, Trinculo and Stpehano?

    5). Act 3 scene 2:
    Is Ariel deliberately causing Stephano and Caliban to go against Trinculo by making them think that Trinculo kept on saying that they were lying?

  26. Semir-
    3) Is the way Ferdinand and Miranda got married normal? Isn't there sopposed to be a ceremony kind of thing? Act 3 Scn 1

    The way Ferdinand and Miranda is not traditionally normal but they can get married like that. I guess if the two loves each other, they can consider themselves married.
    Also, you don't need a ceremony to to get married.

  27. 1) Does Ferdinand know he is being tested for Miranda's love? (Act 3, Scene 1)
    2)I'm confused when Ariel says that Caliban was lying and he accused Trinculo of saying he lied, did Trinculo not hear him?( Act 3, Scene 2)
    3)Are Caliban and Ferdinand both fighting for Miranda's love?(Act 3, Scene 2)
    4)Will Alonso cause suicide to be with his son?(Act 3, Scene 3)
    5)Will the other kingsmen give into Prospero's plan to get them? (Act 3, Scene 3)

  28. 1) Act 3 Scene 1
    Why did Miranda not ask Ferdinand for his name? Does she already know it?

    2) Act 3 Scene 1
    If Miranda wasn't supposed to tell anyone what her name was, why would she even talk to Ferdinand in the first place?

    3) Act 3 Scene 1
    Didn't Prospero tell Ariel to bring Ferdinand to Miranda? If so, why doesn't he just carry on with his study instead of watching from afar?

    4) Act 3 Scene 3
    It says Ariel appears as a "harpy", what's a "harpy"?

    5) Act 3 Scene 3
    How does Prospero know what's going on with Alonso and the other men? Isn't he someplace else?

  29. Winnie:
    4). Act 3 scene 2:
    Why did Ariel visit Caliban, Trinculo and Stpehano?
    Since Prospero despises the kingsmen because they kicked him and his daughter from his kingdom, he heard that they were on the island and sent Ariel to check on what they were doing. He sent him to see if the kingsmen were going to do something else to him. You can think of this as revenge for Prospero on the kingsmen.

  30. Alice:
    2) Why does Trinculo always insult Caliban? (act 3 scene 2)
    Trinculo gets insulted because Caliban thought that he was calling him a liar, when it was really Ariel talking. Since Ariel is an invisible spirit, he couldn't see him, so he just assumed it was Trinculo. And this could be some kind of revenge for Prosepero if you think about it :)

  31. Mayada

    1) Does Ferdinand know he is being tested for Miranda's love? (Act 3, Scene 1)

    No he does not know that he is being tested for Miranda's love. He is in love with her and she is the only thing on his mind.

    2)I'm confused when Ariel says that Caliban was lying and he accused Trinculo of saying he lied, did Trinculo not hear him?( Act 3, Scene 2)
    Ariel is a servant of Prospero. Since he is on Prospero's side, he believes, what Prospero believes. Prospero believes that he didn't steal the island and that he saved Caliban, so Ariel thinks this, causing him to state that Caliban is lying.

    3)Are Caliban and Ferdinand both fighting for Miranda's love?(Act 3, Scene 2)

    Caliban is not fighting for Miranda's love. He obviously doesn't like he because he tried to rape her. Also, we learned in a previous scene that he curses BOTH Prospero and Miranda.

    4)Will Alonso cause suicide to be with his son?(Act 3, Scene 3)

    Since I have not read the next scene I can only infer. I infer that he will. He is clearly a pessimist due to his loss of his son. I believe that he will since he loves his son and cannot live without him.

    5)Will the other kingsmen give into Prospero's plan to get them? (Act 3, Scene 3)

    Once again, we have not read this far so i can only infer. I believe that the kingsmen will give into his plan. Prospero is like the God of the island and for the kingsmen to get off the island, they have to comply with Prospero.

    Hope that helped clear things up! =]

  32. Mandy

    1) Act 3 Scene 1
    Why did Miranda not ask Ferdinand for his name? Does she already know it?

    In a previous scene, I believe that Miranda learns Ferdinand's name but is unable to tell him hers because her father planned to imprison him.

    2) Act 3 Scene 1
    If Miranda wasn't supposed to tell anyone what her name was, why would she even talk to Ferdinand in the first place?

    Miranda did it because she loved him and was willing to risk angering her father for him.

    4) Act 3 Scene 3
    It says Ariel appears as a "harpy", what's a "harpy"?

    If you look at the page opposite to the word, it displays an image of a harpy. It is a type of bird I believe.

    5) Act 3 Scene 3
    How does Prospero know what's going on with Alonso and the other men? Isn't he someplace else?

    While Prospero is in his study, he is able to see whats going on with the other men. He is like the God of the island, so he can see everything through the clouds. This is an interesting question! I, myself, am not sure. I believe it is because he is like the God of the island and sees everything, but am not completely sure.

  33. Mandy's Question:
    4) Act 3 Scene 3
    It says Ariel appears as a "harpy", what's a "harpy"?

    Classical Mythology. a ravenous, filthy monster having a woman's head and a bird's body.

    Mayada's Question:
    3)Are Caliban and Ferdinand both fighting for Miranda's love?(Act 3, Scene 2)

    I think Caliban will not fight Ferdinand for Miranda's love because Caliban had already want to give up Miranda to his new master Stephano (Act 3 Scene 2 Line 114-115).

  34. Questions
    1. Why does Ariel disguise his voice as Trinculo? (Act 3 Sc. 2)

    2. Why does Trinculo serve Stephano, if he is only being used? (Act 3 Sc. 2)

    3. Does Antonio, Sebastian, and Gonzalo have any idea that the other three men want to kill Prospero?(Act 3 Sc. 3)

    4. Will Prospero come to accept Ferdinand to be a good husband for Miranda? (Act 3 Sc. 1)

    5. Why does Antonio, Sebastain and Alonso take advantage of Prospero? (Act 3 Sc. 3)

  35. Mandy

    I forgot to add question 3! Silly me!

    3) Act 3 Scene 1
    Didn't Prospero tell Ariel to bring Ferdinand to Miranda? If so, why doesn't he just carry on with his study instead of watching from afar?

    I don't believe Ariel had anything to do with that scene. I believe that Prospero does watch afar because he comments twice on their interaction.

    Hope that helped! =]

  36. Thanks Mona & PeiQing.

    Is it possible that Prospero might be using some of his "magic powers" to see what's going on? Unless Ariel is informing him what's happening, but he's with Alonso and them..weird.

  37. Taylor-

    2. Why does Trinculo serve Stephano, if he is only being used? (Act 3 Sc. 2)

    Trinculo treats Stephano as his friend, that's why he's accompanying him.

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  39. Julio Chen

    1. What is the overall message to Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio state besides telling them to feel guilty towards Prospero?
    2. Why would Prospero want to scare Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio if he could easily take over Naples and Milan with his magic?
    3. What is the theme going on in scene 4 of act 3?
    4. What will happen next?
    5. What conflict is going on between all the characters?

  40. Taylor (a.k.a. Tae-Rae)

    1. Why does Ariel disguise his voice as Trinculo? (Act 3 Sc. 2)

    I believe that Ariel disguises his voice as Trinculo to split Trinculo and Stephano apart.

    3. Does Antonio, Sebastian, and Gonzalo have any idea that the other three men want to kill Prospero?(Act 3 Sc. 3)

    No, Antonio, Sebastian, and Gonzalo have no idea that the other three men want to kill Prospero. It is stories within the story.

    4. Will Prospero come to accept Ferdinand to be a good husband for Miranda? (Act 3 Sc. 1)

    I believe that Prospero will come to accept Ferdinand as a good husband for Miranda. It was in his plan to get them together, it is just that he wanted to punish Ferdinand to make sure that all of his plans fell into place.

    Hope it helped! =]

  41. Mayada
    2)I'm confused when Ariel says that Caliban was lying and he accused Trinculo of saying he lied, did Trinculo not hear him?( Act 3, Scene 2)

    Triculo most likely cast under a spell by Ariel therefore not being able to here what Ariel was saying. By doing so, Ariel then disguised his voice as Trinculo.

    3)Are Caliban and Ferdinand both fighting for Miranda's love?
    Ferdinand is most certainly fighting for Miranda's love but not so much Caliban. If you read in Act 3 Sc1 , you can better understand the physical attration and emotions both teenagers share with oneanother. I believe Ferninand is clearly falling in love with Miranda and this shows through his expression of emotions. Caliban only wants Miranda because she is Prospero daughter, which is basically a slap in the face to Prospero if caliban were to marry Miranda. Caliban only wants to abuse his power and take advantage of Miranda(shown in Act 3 sc 2).

  42. Taylor:
    5. Why does Antonio, Sebastain and Alonso take advantage of Prospero? (Act 3 Sc. 3)

    Antonio, Sebastian, and Alonso are not taking advantage of Prospero. I think it is the other way. Prospero was fortunate enough to see his enemies again and he decided to take back his title as the duke of Milan. He choses to take advantage of the situation which is Antonio, Sebastian, and Alonso in the island by sending Ariel to scare these men and send them a message about Prospero.

  43. Winnie:
    2). Act 3 scene 2:
    Throughout this scene, Stephano took Caliban's (who he just met) side rather than a person he knew (Trinculo). Why does Stephano prefer Caliban over Trinculo?

    Stephano finds Caliban to be more loyal and useful than Trinculo. Caliban sucks up to Stephano and calls him a god while Trinculo does nothing more than insult Caliban. I think Trinculo's foolishness towards Caliban made Stephano prefer Caliban over Trinculo.

  44. Alicia

    3) act 3, scene 2
    im confused, have caliban and stephano planned to murder prospero and marry miranda?

    LOL, yes they are planning that but its not as extreme as sebastian antonio's attempt to kill gonzalo. its actually quite humorous. cailban stephano and trinculo actually with a greate use of literary technique are parodys of the other three and mirrior them in a funny way. stephano wants to kill prospero and take the island and antonio wants to kill alonso. Trinculo and caliban are the humorous versions of Gonzalo and Sebastian

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  46. Taylor:

    1. Why does Ariel disguise his voice as Trinculo? (Act 3 Sc. 2)

    Ariel just does this because it is funny. He just happened to be there and heard their conversation. That is there just to add some humor into the play i think. Its not as serious as you think it is

  47. 1. Was Ariel seen by Alonso and his men? (Act 3 Scene 3)

    2. Did Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian feel shame and guilt after Ariel's words? (Act 3 Scene 3)

    3. Were those "strange shapes" spirites, too? Is it Prospero that tell them to give men food? If not, Why? If yes, why would Prospero do that?(Act 3 Scene 3)

    4. Did Alonso already give up on looking for his son, Ferdinand? (Act 3 Scene 3)

    5. Does the men know that Prospero is behind this since Ariel as a harky had already mentioned his name? If they knew, what are they going to do? (Act 3 Scene 3)

  48. Julio:
    2. Why would Prospero want to scare Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio if he could easily take over Naples and Milan with his magic?

    It's one of those instances where a person with magic powers doesn't do the most obvious thing to do. It advances the plot, themes, and it shows how revenge is a little sweeter by scaring them.

    3. What is the theme going on in scene 4 of act 3?
    There was a scene 4 in act 3?

    1. Are Stephano and Trinculo supposed to parallel Sebastian and Antonio?
    2. Does Caliban really think that he will be treated better if he is ruled by Stephano?
    3. Is Ariel going to these great lengths to guarantee his freedom?
    4. Is Gonzalo still on Prospero's side?
    5. Why did Ariel take the form of a Harpy? Was it just to creep them out, or does it signify something?

  49. To Semir:

    2) Why is Ferdninand so okay with being the slave of Prospero after living the life of a prince? Act 3 Scn 1

    -He doesn't have a choice because he is alone on an island, separated from everyone he knows and Prospero forces him into labor.

    3) Is the way Ferdinand and Miranda got married normal? Isn't there sopposed to be a ceremony kind of thing? Act 3 Scn 1

    -They're on an island with little supplies, so for now there won't be a ceremony. [Especially since Prospero is not done with the tasks he has for Ferdinand.]

  50. My question:

    1) What is Prospero's purpose in trying to get Miranda and Ferdinand to fall in love?

    2) In scene one of act three, what did Miranda meant when she said "Father, I have broke your hest to say so!"?

    3)What was the fight between Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo about?

    4) If the island originally belongs to Caliban, why did he offered the island to Stepano? Will Caliban be really willing to give up his island?

    5)In Act 3 scene3, what does " I'll fight their legion o'er" mean? (LINE 125)

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  52. Questions,
    1. Act III, Scene I
    Why does Miranda feel that she is unworthy of Ferdinand’s undying love?
    2. Act III, Scene I
    What does ‘a thousand thousand’ mean?
    3. Act III, Scene II
    What does ‘mooncalf’ mean?
    4. Act III, Scene III
    What is a ‘viand’?
    5. Act III, Scene III
    What are the three men guilty of or guilty about?
    Mandy Li said...
    2) Act 3 Scene 1
    If Miranda wasn't supposed to tell anyone what her name was, why would she even talk to Ferdinand in the first place?
    Miranda’s feelings for Ferdinand are so strong, she cannot help but disobey her father’s wishes.

    3) Act 3 Scene 1
    Didn't Prospero tell Ariel to bring Ferdinand to Miranda? If so, why doesn't he just carry on with his study instead of watching from afar?
    Prospero is watching from afar and we can hear his thoughts so the audience can get his insight on what he feels about Miranda and Ferdinand’s relationship.

    4) Act 3 Scene 3
    It says Ariel appears as a "harpy", what's a "harpy"?
    A harpy is a winged creature from Greek mythology that was part woman and part bird. While they did not start out that way, eventually they took on a sinister meaning.

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  54. Sally Gee

    1) What is Prospero's purpose in trying to get Miranda and Ferdinand to fall in love?

    His purpose could have been to have his daughter to get married. Also, it could possibly be that Ferdinand is the Prince of Naples, so if she married him she would be the princess and would become a queen.

    2) In scene one of act three, what did Miranda meant when she said "Father, I have broke your hest to say so!"?

    I believe that she meant that she said her name without her father's permission.

    5)In Act 3 scene3, what does " I'll fight their legion o'er" mean? (LINE 125)

    It could possibly mean that he would fight the demons one by one. This is just a prediction.

    Hope that helped!

  55. My Questions

    1.When Stephano says "Drink, servant-monster, when I bid thee." (Act 3, Scene 2, Line 7) Who is he referring to?
    2.Who does Stephano, Trincolo, and Caliban reprsent out of Antonio, Sebastian and Gonzalo?
    3.What does "mutineer" mean?
    4.Caliban want Stephano to kill Prospero?
    5.What does Stephano's song mean?

  56. Questions:
    Act three scene three
    1)Is gonzalo not aware of Antonio's plot?

    2)Is shakespeare trying to send a subliminal message? Although the innocent prevail (Prospero) over the guilty (alonso and company), it is not a cause of natural nature and events, ariel is doing it. Is shakespeare trying to say that justice is never really served?

    3) on line 60 it says "wallets of flesh," what does wallet mean here

    4) Did someone make theking banish Prospero? Should the king really be blamed for the action?

    5) Where are harpies and such's origin?


  57. PeiQing

    1. Was Ariel seen by Alonso and his men? (Act 3 Scene 3)

    No, Alonso and his men cannot see Ariel because Ariel is only visible to Prospero and himself.

    2. Did Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian feel shame and guilt after Ariel's words? (Act 3 Scene 3)

    Alonso probably felt shame and guilt after Ariel's words, causing him to want to die with his son. I believe that Antonio and Sebastian didn't feel shame or guilt because they wanted to attack the demons.

    4. Did Alonso already give up on looking for his son, Ferdinand? (Act 3 Scene 3)

    Alonso clearly gave up on looking for his son in the beginning of Act 3 Scene 3 because he tells Gonzalo to rest because their search is useless.

    5. Does the men know that Prospero is behind this since Ariel as a harpy had already mentioned his name? If they knew, what are they going to do? (Act 3 Scene 3)

    I believe it is possible that the men knew that Prospero was behind this. It is possible. Since we have not read ahead in the book, I would guess that Sebastian and Antonio would go after him. This is just a prediction, however.

  58. Matt- 3. Act III, Scene II
    What does ‘mooncalf’ mean?

    Mooncalf means dreamer.

  59. Kassandra question #5:
    Why did Ariel take the form of a harpy? What does it signify?
    Prospero have Ariel take the form of a Harpy because it represent Prospero's revenge in it's climax. The Harpy form signify that the power of nature and justice is in Prospero's side and going against it's enemies. Prospero want Ariel to change to a Harpy form to show that nature is against his enemies, and I think Prospero also wants to scare them.

  60. Act 3 Scene 1

    - Why does Miranda weep when he works?
    - Why does Ferdinand carry logs? Is this his punishment?
    - Why does Shakespeare go into detail on his love scene?
    - How could they love each other when they barely know each other? How could they plan to get married and be husband and wife?
    - Will Prospero get mad at Miranda for saying her name? Will he hurt Ferdinand because of what she has done?

    Act 3 scene 2

    - Why was Caliban called, specifically, a "servant monster"?
    - Why does Trinculo and Stephano have so many names for Caliban? (Brave monster, servant monster, man monster, monsieur monster, mooncalf)
    - What does monsieur mean?
    - What is a mooncalf?
    - Can someone please explain Act 3 Scene 2 Line 25-45? That was very confusing to me.
    - Is caliban gaining power because of Ariel? ( Caliban states that hell beat Trinculo, but he is supposed to have less power than him.)
    - Why is Stephano interested in Caliban's ideas?
    - Does Stephano want to kill Prospero to get with Miranda?

    Act 3 Scene 3

    - Through this scene, Is Antonio more or less powerful than Sebastian?

    ( Antonio tells him it's best for him to kill them that night, displaying leadership and power. Sebastian, however, leaves and Antonio follows, displaying submission.)

  61. Kristal Beltre
    3.What does "mutineer" mean?
    someone who is openly rebellious and refuses to obey authorities

  62. 1)What does Prospero mean when he says “Fair encounter Of two most rare affections! Heavens rain grace On that which breeds between 'em!” (Shakespeare 95-97)

    2)What does Ferdinand mean when he tells Miranda “Ay, with a heart as willing As bondage e'er of freedom. Here’s my hand.” (Shakespeare 97; Line 107)

    3)Why does Ariel provoke Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban to fight with one another ? (Act 3, scene 2)

  63. Matt question #4

    What is a "viand"?
    Viand means food and drink. It could be found in page 112.

    Thank you Mona for answering my questions!

  64. Tyianna- 1)What does Prospero mean when he says “Fair encounter Of two most rare affections! Heavens rain grace On that which breeds between 'em!” (Shakespeare 95-97)

    Prospero is bascially saying that he is excitied about the love Miranda and Ferdinand have between one another. When he says, "Heavens rain grace on that which breeds between' em," Prospero is saying he hopes their love will continue to grow.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Tyianna-
    What does Ferdinand mean when he tells Miranda “Ay, with a heart as willing As bondage e'er of freedom. Here’s my hand.” (Shakespeare 97; Line 107)
    It means that Ferdinand wants to marry Miranda as much as a slave wants freedom.

    Why does Ariel provoke Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban to fight with one another ? (Act 3, scene 2)
    I think Ariel tries to make them fight so they would disagree with each other and no kill Prospero

  67. Vanbiet

    On line 60 it says "wallets of flesh," what does wallet mean here

    It means with their throats hanging down.

  68. Questions
    1) Why does Ariel repeat in Trinculo's voice "thou liest" (act 3 scene 2)?

    2)What is the purpose of Stephano's song (act 3 scene 2)?

    3)Will Prospero actually allow Miranda to marry Ferdinand or does he plan on just leading Ferdinand on (act 3 scene 1) ?

    4)Why is Gonzalo so sure that it is alright to eat the food on the banquet that "shapes" have magically brought before them (act 3 scene 3)?

    5)Why does Alonso hope to drown himself rather than looking for his soon, is this implying something about monarchy (act 3 scene 3)?

  69. Questions:
    1. (Act 3 Scene 1) How did Prospero find Ferdinand?
    2. (Act 3 Scene 1) How did Miranda disobey Prospero when she told Ferdinand her name?
    3. (Act 3 Scene 3) When the characters enter, is it all in the same general area? Did Shakespeare mean to do that so it can be humorous?
    4.( Act 3 Scene 3)Why were Antonio and Sebastian talking so that they can only hear each other? Is their plan surreptitious?
    5. (Act 3 Scene 3)How come the kingsmen didn't hear Prospero when he addressed them?

  70. Sarah- Why does Ariel repeat in Trinculo's voice "thou liest" (act 3 scene 2)

    Ariel wasn't replicating his voice. They didn't see Ariel so they just assumed Trinculo said it. After all, he was accusing Caliban of lying in the first place so it would only be far. Trinculo and Caliban have a very tense relationship because Trinculo thinks the Caliban is drunk and doesn't mean what he says about Stephano.

  71. Krystal

    When Stephano says "Drink, servant-monster, when I bid thee." (Act 3, Scene 2, Line 7) Who is he referring to?

    Stephano is referring to Caliban and he is telling him to drink when he orders him to drink.

  72. Kassandra:

    2. Does Caliban really think that he will be treated better if he is ruled by Stephano?
    Caliban does think that he will be treated better if he is ruled by Stephano. The wine that Stephano gives to Caliban, supposedly heals Caliban This healing gets Caliban drunk, which makes him feel better with Stephano.

  73. Maureen McCarthy
    4.( Act 3 Scene 3)Why were Antonio and Sebastian talking so that they can only hear each other? Is their plan surreptitious?
    Antonio and Sebastian were discussing their plan of killing Gonzalo and the King. They wouldn’t want to say it out loud. Their first tried failed, so they’re planning for it again.

  74. Sarah- Will Prospero actually allow Miranda to marry Ferdinand or does he plan on just leading Ferdinand on (act 3 scene 1) ?

    Prospero is testing Ferdinand. So far Ferdinand seems to react positively to his tests, so I think Prospero will allow him. Also, Prospero is far too close to Miranda to tease him like that. Miranda may be the daughter, but she can manipulate Prospero's actions just like when she made him not kill anybody on the ship. He cannot refuse it!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. What does Stephano mean when he says “My man-monster hath drowned his tongue in sack” (Shakespeare 99, Line 13)

    Why does Stephano start to sing? (Shakespeare107)

    (I forgot my two other questions.)

  77. Kassandra's question:
    1. Are Stephano and Trinculo supposed to parallel Sebastian and Antonio?

    Yes, Stephano and Trinculo are supposed to parallel Sebastian and Antonio. Both pairs are used to represent a desire to attain power. Antonio and Sebastian are of a higher class, and throughout the scenes we have read, have plotted against the king so that they can take over. Similar to Stephano and Trinculo who seek to kill Prospero and have Stephano marry Miranda, making him king. Stephano and Trinculo are the "fools" in The Tempest. They are drunken low class men who think unrealistically to mock the duet of Sebastian and Antonio.

  78. Thanks for answering my questions Maureen!

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Maureen:

    1. (Act 3 Scene 1) How did Prospero find Ferdinand?
    Prospero didn't really find Ferdinand. Instead, Prospero was somewhere watching what was going on between Ferdinand and his daughter, Miranda.

  81. Why is Miranda disobeying Prospero by telling Ferdinand her name?

  82. SANTOS

    Act 3, Scene 1- How come Fernand and Miranda decided to marry right away? They just saw each other and immediately fell in love.

    The two of them probably though why wait and also that Prospero might stop them because he is strict and would be strict to anyone his daughter marries.

    ***My questions are based on today's work and Scene3***

    Act 3, Scene 1- Why didn't Prospero stop her (his)daughter from marrying Fernand?

    I'll be answering a question of my own through this answer, I feel it is because Ferdinand passed the challenge although Prospero could do more to Ferdinand, who knows.

  83. My questions

    1) What is the point of Ferdinad carrying logs, why couldn't Prospero have him do something else instead?

    2) Why does Prospero want to torture his victims with getting rid of the food?

    3) Why does Ariel mention Prospero (Not because Prospero wanted him to) what is the signifigance?

    4) Why does Stephano side with Caliban in scene two and not Trinculo?

    5) What is Prospero going to do as he leaves is perch after his daughter and Ferdinand are somewhat married? Why is he going to his book, could it be that he wants to cause more problems and needs spell?

    Thanks in advance for the answers

  84. ***My questions are based on today's work and Scene3*** and as one says, in scene two

  85. Mona:
    How could they love each other when they barely know each other? How could they plan to get married and be husband and wife?

    Like Miranda states in the play, she has never seen another man besides Ferdinand and her father. Think about if the first time you saw a man and he instantly told you he admired and loved you, wouldn't you be head over heels as well? Miranda probably suggests they get married because she desired a companion seeing as her father is always studying, paying little to no attention to her.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Robert: 1) What is the point of Ferdinad carrying logs, why couldn't Prospero have him do something else instead?
    This is a test of love, to see if Ferdinad really loves Miranda. Well Prospero made Ferdinad his slave, so he can do more wrost to test the true feelings of love.

  89. Robert 2: 3) Why does Ariel mention Prospero (Not because Prospero wanted him to) what is the signifigance?

    Well I believe he did this because it is to scare the kings men their errors they done to the past to Prospero. Prospero wants to scare them by Ariel so that his plan will work in the future for his final act.

  90. Maribel- 1) Why does Trinculo and Stephano call Caliban a "monster"?

    Trinculo and Stephano call Caliban a monster because Caliban was a unique creature. He was half man and half fish. There is a picture of him on page 84. Except Stephano uses alcohol to get Caliban to help him.

    J.Castillo- 3)Does Trinculo have any desire at all?

    Trinculo desires the same as what Stephano does. Trinculo wants Caliban to serve him, and he wanted to sell him to people to buy him.

  91. Danny Perez: MY QUESTIONS!
    "I am a fool to weep at what I am gald of" (Page 95). I don't understand why she crys?
    ACT3 sc. 1
    In Page 99, Stephano asks Trinculo and Caliban to drink but why does he want them to drink?
    ACT 3 sc. 2
    Why is Caliban loyal to Stephano but Trinculo isn't.
    ACT 3 sc.2
    What does "Lo" mean in page 101
    ACT 3 sc. 2
    "How now shall this be compassed? Canst thou bring me to the party" (page 103). What party?!
    ACT 3 sc. 2
    In page 107, Trinculo says when he hears Ariel, " O, forgive me my sins!" Why does he does this?
    ACT 3 sc. 2
    I don't understand this: Ariel: "you are three men of sin, whom destiny, that and your ways, whose wraths to guard you from--" (PAGE 113, 114). Can somoeone help me what this means when he says this?
    Act 3 sc 3

  92. My recent post is edited. :)
    Thanks to anyone who answers my questions!

  93. John Cruz

    Act 3 Sc 2

    Why does Ariel choose to talk when the conversation between Stephano and Caliban is happening.

    Act 3 Sc 2
    Doesn't Caliban hate any other person who speaks the language that Prospero does? So why does he speak to Trinculo and Stephano?

    Act 3 Sc 2

    What does Caliban plan to do after he destroys Prospero? He is still under Stephano, so it doesnt make a difference if Prospero he is killed or not.

    Act 3 Sc 1
    Does it make sense if Prospero doesnt want Ferdinand to know Miranda's name?

    Act 3 Sc 3

    When Miranda ask if Ferdinand loves her is she asking something more complicated then that? It doesn't seem like a simple question.

  94. Act 3 Scene 2
    1. Why does Caliban say Miranda is far surpasseth Sycorax?
    2. Does Caliban mention about Miranda purposely to Stephano so Stephano will kill Prospero?
    3. Where does the music Ariel play lead Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban?
    4. What does “jocund” mean?
    5. Will Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo’s plan in killing Prospero be successful?

  95. 1)If I were Prospero as a father of Miranda, why did he let Ferdinad off so easily to talk to his daughter?

    2)Stehpano, Caliban, and Tricnulo were comming up with a plan to kill Prospero, who was going to take over the power?

    3) Yes Ariel seems to be doing some spy work as he Stephano, Caliban and Trinculo are talking about the plan to kill Prospero, why does he continue saying "THOU LIEST"?

    4) Why does Ariel use his magical powers to ruin the event when the men are about to eat?

    5)How were the men going to kill Prospero?

  96. Winnie Liang-
    1. Why does Caliban say Miranda is far surpasseth Sycorax?

    Caliban said that Miranda is far supasseth Sycorax because Miranda looked at lot better than Sycorax.

    4. What does “jocund” mean?

    Jocund- full of or showing high-spirited merriment

  97. Robert:
    3) Why does Ariel mention Prospero (Not because Prospero wanted him to) what is the significance?
    I’d say Ariel Mentions Prospero while speaking to Alonso, Antonio and Sebastian because he wants to them to realize how wrong they were at usurping his place. Its significance would be that he’s trying to hint at what Prospero would do or better yet, has already done against Alonso for what he did many years ago when he helped Antonio take his place. He mentions Prospero to hint at what Prospero has done, taking Ferdinand away from his father so Alonso could know what it felt like.

    I don't understand this: Ariel: "you are three men of sin, whom destiny, that and your ways, whose wraths to guard you from--" (PAGE 113, 114). Can somoeone help me what this means when he says this?
    Ariel is basically trying to tell them that they have done wrong against Prospero by supplanting him and that it will return to them. This is why he refers to them as men of sin, the wrong they did against Prospero. Ariel says that they can’t hurt him with their swords because they are too heavy for them to lift, they can’t hurt Ariel even if they attempted to do so. He mentions Alonso’s son and being deprived as well as being in a state of ruin, hinting as I mentioned before, what state Alonso’s son might currently be in.

  98. Winnie
    3. Where does the music Ariel play lead Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban?

    Caliban and Triculo and Stephano decide to follow the music and after they will kill Prospero

  99. Jared Elraheb
    My questions:
    1. Why would King Alonso and his men be focused on having a feast rather than continuing to look for his son? Act 3, scene 3
    2. Why does Prospero never want Ariel to be in the shape of a human being? Act 3, scene 3
    3. Why does Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio consider themselves” ministers of fate”? Act 3, scene 3
    4. Why does Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban all follow Ariel’s tune? Was it a spell or just a song?
    5. What is the point of the shapes coming back again to dance and carry out the table? Act 3, scene 3

    Thanks to all that help in advance

    4. What does “jocund” mean? Winnie Liang
    Jocund means to be cheerful and filled with joy. Ex. a witty and jocund group.

    John Cruz
    Why does Ariel choose to talk when the conversation between Stephano and Caliban is happening?
    Ariel chooses to talk when the conversation is going on between Stephano and Caliban because he wants to interrupt them and cause conflict. Ariel has already learned that Stephano wishes to take the island back that once belonged to Caliban. By Ariel talking through Trinculo’s voice, this only delays Stephano and Caliban and that was what Ariel wanted.

  100. Elijah-
    2)Stehpano, Caliban, and Tricnulo were comming up with a plan to kill Prospero, who was going to take over the power?

    Stephano is going to take all the power. Don't forget that right now, Caliban is under Stephano. Trinculo is also under Stephano because he is a wimp (also told to us by Ms. Karvunis). Since Trinculo have no guts while Caliban is serving Stephano, the two will easily agree that Stephano should obtain the power.

  101. Winnie
    4. What does “jocund” mean?

    Jocund means to be joyful, cheerful, merry, jolly

    all those words would be synonyms

  102. Act 3, Scene 2- Why is Trinculo so angry about Caliban serving Stephano?

    Act 3, Scene 1- Is Prospero ok with Fernand marryng his daughter?

    Act 3 Scene 2- Why is Ariel spying on Trincuol, Stephano and Caliban? That created a confusion.

    Act 3, Scene 1- How does Prspero meet Fernand in the first place?

    Act 3,Scene 2- Why does Stephano beat Trinculo at first, then decides to sing with Trinculo?

  103. John Cruz

    Danny's Question:

    "I am a fool to weep at what I am gald of" (Page 95). I don't understand why she crys?

    She disobeyed her father, so she doesn't understand why she is sad while she should be happy when love is present.

    ACT3 sc. 1
    In Page 99, Stephano asks Trinculo and Caliban to drink but why does he want them to drink?

    I assume he wants them to feel what he feels as well as see what he sees to he isnt the only drunken one.

    ACT 3 sc. 2
    Why is Caliban loyal to Stephano but Trinculo isn't.

    Stephano seem to take liking in Caliban and Trinculo is a jester, he isnt reliable. Stephano may be drunken but Caliban likes him and believes he can kill Propero.

    ACT 3 sc. 2
    "How now shall this be compassed? Canst thou bring me to the party" (page 103). What party?!
    ACT 3 sc. 2
    In page 107, Trinculo says when he hears Ariel, " O, forgive me my sins!" Why does he does this?

    Ariel is a spirit and Stephano calls Ariel a devil from hell. So Trinculo, being a jester, ask for forgivness for being bad.

  104. 1. Act-3 scene-3
    Do the men (Sebastian, Gonzalo, Antonio, etc...) see Ariel when he talk to them?

    Didn't Areil say he was going to tell Prospero what Stephano was going to do to him?

    3. Act-3 scene-3
    Who was singing in this scene?
    Who made what ever was singing sing?

    4.Act-3 scene-1
    If Ferdenand is a prince why is he a slve for prospero?

    5.Isn't Areil supposted to have his freedom?

  105. Winnie
    5. Will Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo’s plan in killing Prospero be successful?

    I dont think the plan works as there was a dinner in Act 3. SC. 3 and Ariel works his powers and ruins the moment before they begin to eat dinner with Prospero

  106. Kevin Zevallos

    Act-3 scene-3
    Jaafar Hamdan
    Do the men (Sebastian, Gonzalo, Antonio, etc...) see Ariel when he talk to them?

    Yea they do see him but as a harpy not as his true form.

  107. 1. (Act 3 Scene 2) Why is Ariel letting Trinculo get tortured by his actions?
    2. (Act 3 Scene3) Were the strange shapes with banquets made by Prosper by his magic?
    3. (Act 3 Scene 3) Is there a specific reason why Ariel must be disguised as the Harpy , to get get the attention of King Alonso and his party?
    4. (act 3 Scene 2 Line 70) Is "Pied ninny's" an insult? and who is it said to?
    5. (act 3 Scene 2 Line 109-110) What does Caliban mean by "Calls her a nonpareil. I never saw a woman But only Sycorax my dam and she:"?

  108. Kevin Zevallos

    Jaafar Hamdan
    Act 3 Sc 3
    5.Isn't Areil supposted to have his freedom?

    He is should for completing Prospero task but it could Prospero was lieing or that he will soon enough in the next scene. We'll have to read more to find out.

  109. Kevin Joseph
    1. (Act 3 Scene 2) Why is Ariel letting Trinculo get tortured by his actions?

    One reason for this is that Ariel is still invisilbe. The second reason is that if they want to kill Ariel's master(Prospero) Ariel is not going to help them.

  110. 1.Why does Ariel mess with Caliba, Trinculo, and Stephano? What does he hope to gain?
    2. Do Prospero's powers come from books or does Caliban say that because he doesn't know Prospero's true potential?
    3.Why can't Gonzalo see ariel and the other harpies? Is Gonzalo free from sin or does Prospero have something planned for him?
    4. Did Ariel charm Gonzalo, Alonso and the others so that Antonio and Sebastian won't hurt them?
    5. Why does Ariel enter as a Harpy? Is it suppose to mean something or it's just nothing?

  111. 1) What is Prospero planning to do with Ferdinand afterward?
    2) What are Trinculo, Caliban, and Stephano planning to do after following the sound?
    3) When Ariel was talking to Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian, how did they know Ariel was talking to them if they weren’t the only one there?
    4) Is Alonso planning to commit suicide to join his son, who he thinks is dead?
    5) What did Gonzalo mean by all three of them (Sebastian, Antonio, and Alonso) are desperate?

  112. Questions:
    -In Act III sc II page 99 was Stephano and Trinculo making fun of Caliban because he was drunk?

    -In Act III ac II page 101 what does trinculo mean when he said "that a monster should be such a natural."?

    -In Act II sc II page 101 what does Stephano mean when he said "Trinculo, keep a good tongue in your head. If you prove a mutineer, the next tree. The poor monster’s my subject and he shall not suffer indignity."? Is he defending the monster?

    - In Act III sc II pg 103 Why do Stephano and Caliban both are mean to Tranculo? They do also connect to Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Antonio. The resemblance are Sebastian and Antonio are always making fun of Gonzalo and they are very mean to him.

    - In Act III sc III pg 111, What is happening, did Ariel make them have and illusion of food?

  113. Kevin Joseph
    5. (act 3 Scene 2 Line 109-110) What does Caliban mean by "Calls her a nonpareil. I never saw a woman But only Sycorax my dam and she:"?

    Miranda point of veiw: Caliban has never seen a more beautiful woman because he has seen no other woman besides her and his mother.

    Sycorax point of veiw: Caliban has only seen His mother and Miranda But his mother is realy ugly.

  114. Richard Gobin

    Kiara Roman
    - In Act III sc III pg 111, What is happening, did Ariel make them have and illusion of food?

    In Act 3 Sc 3 Prospero makes people appear with a lot of food, and then makes it disappear. He does this to torture Sebastian, Antonio, and Gonzalo since they were going to eat it.

  115. Santos
    Act 3, Scene 2- Why is Trinculo so angry about Caliban serving Stephano?
    Trinculo isn't really mad (in my opinion). He just gets mad because Caliban keeps on calling him a coward specially when he is sort of drunk. You know, sometimes when men get drunk, they think that they are tougher and they act all bad.

  116. 1.) Why does Ariel interrupt in the conversation between Caliban and Stephano?

    2.) Why does Ariel play that music and why do Trinculo, Stephano and Caliban follow the sound?

    3.) Why does Caliban not stop Miranda's and Ferdinand's so called marriage?

    4.) Why does Alonso give up on the search for his son?

    5.)Why does Caliban look up to Stephano if the island was once his and he ruled?

  117. Jared Elraheb
    2. Why does Prospero never want Ariel to be in the shape of a human being? Act 3, scene 3
    -In my opinion, I believe that Prospero never wants Ariel to be in the shape of a human so that no one will know that someone is watching over them. Since Ariel was a Nymph its part of nature so the other men wont this that there's something odd and they wont realize anything. Also if he is always changing into something else it makes it easier for Ariel to spy on the men.

  118. Janet Ceron

    What is the social hierarchy between Trinculo, Stephano and Calican? Who has more power the other and why? (Scene 3, Act 2)

    What does valiant mean? (Scene 3, Act 2)

    What does Caliban mean about “mayst knock a nail into his head? ( Scene 3, Act 2)

    In the entire scene two is Ariel visible to Caliban since he continues to say “thoust lies!” ?

    Is Trinculo also going to help Stephano kill Prospero? (Scene 3, Act 20

  119. Richard Gobin

    Kevin Joseph
    3. (Act 3 Scene 3) Is there a specific reason why Ariel must be disguised as the Harpy , to get get the attention of King Alonso and his party?

    Well the reason I though Prospero did this is to scare them because a Harpie is a mythological creature, so for them seeing one exist is very frighting.

  120. Kiara,
    -In Act II sc II page 101 what does Stephano mean when he said "Trinculo, keep a good tongue in your head. If you prove a mutineer, the next tree. The poor monster’s my subject and he shall not suffer indignity."? Is he defending the monster?
    Stephano is telling Trinculo to speak with manners and respect Caliban since he's his slave. If Trinculo doesn't listen to Stephano, Stephano is going to abuse him. Stephano has the most power out of Trinculo and Caliban. Stephano is defending Caliban, the monster because he pity him.

  121. Shadey
    1.Why does Ariel mess with Caliban, Trinculo, and Stephano? What does he hope to gain?

    Shadey Caliban was telling Tranculo and Stephano about Prospero in pg 101. In my opinion I believe its because Arel is looking out for his master because if Caliban tells the men about Prospero they might go out to look for him because he has food or shelter and they will find the prince (Ferdinand).

  122. Matt;
    Mooncalf refers to Caliban. Moon calf means monster.

    -In Act III sc II page 99 was Stephano and Trinculo making fun of Caliban because he was drunk?

    They do make fun of Caliban while he's drunk because they believe he is an idiot. At first Trinculo was afraid of him because Caliban is a monster. Now that Trinculo sees that Caliban is not really a threat to him, he insults him/

  123. Janet,
    "What does valiant mean?"

    It means to be worthy of. It also means courageous and strong. It's a term usually used for someone who is tested for their worthiness, such as military acts or just their normal actions.

  124. Act 3, Scene 2
    1. Is Caliban drunk throughout this whole scene? Does he only think Stephano is a god when he is drunk?
    2. Does Trinculo agree with the plan to kill Prospero?
    3. If Stephano kills Prospero and become king, would Caliban have more power than Trinculo? It seems that Stephano trusts Caliban more…
    4. Does Prospero have no power without his books?
    Act 3, Scene 3
    5. Why did Prospero make the shapes appear to serve the king and his party food? Is there something wrong with the food?

  125. Richard Gobin

    Xanique Heraseme
    4.) Why does Alonso give up on the search for his son?

    Well Alonso gives up the search because they seemed to have beeen searching for a while. When we meet them it seems that they have been searching for a long time because they were tired.

  126. Richard Gobin

    5. Why did Prospero make the shapes appear to serve the king and his party food? Is there something wrong with the food?

    Prospero makes the shapes appear to scare them. They were affraid to approach the food until they left. When they approached it the shapes were gone.

  127. 1)Can anyone tell me what does means by Prospero "Fair encounter of two most rare affections. Heavens rain grace on that which breeds between 'em" (pg 94-95)?

    2)What does appertaining mean?

    3) Why do Stephano and Trinculo call Caliban "monster" and not just his name?

    4)What does brood mean (pg 105 line 115)?

    5)When Ariel says "my follow ministers" who is talking about (pg 115)?

    Thanks in advance.

  128. Kiara Roman
    - In Act III sc II pg 103 Why do Stephano and Caliban both are mean to Tranculo? They do also connect to Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Antonio. The resemblance are Sebastian and Antonio are always making fun of Gonzalo and they are very mean to him.

    Well, Caliban doesn't like Trinculo because he thinks that Trinculo isn't as courageous as Stephano. So he takes Stephano's side and decides to treat Trinculo as a weakling. Stephano is pretty drunk too, so he listens to Caliban every time he asks for help (practically when Trinculo insults Caliban). Stephano supports Caliban and backs him up since he is weak and because Caliban boosts his morale (provokes him).

  129. Kevin z

    In the entire scene two is Ariel visible to Caliban since he continues to say “thoust lies!” ?

    No, Ariel made himself invisble to all,so no one could see him.

  130. Questions:
    I noticed that Adrian spoke at the end of Act 3 Scene 3. Is Adrian following King Alonso and his men the entire time throughout this scene?

  131. Kevin Z,
    2)What does appertaining mean?
    Appertaining means be a part of or attribute of

  132. Questions:
    Do anyone have logical reason why Adrian did not speak up until the end of Act 3 Scene 3?

  133. 1)Does Stephano wish to be king in order to have all control? What would he do with this control if there aren't many people here?
    2)Why would Caliban prefer to be ruled by Stephano?
    3)Wouldn’t Trinculo think about being in control or Caliban? Why Stephano, What’s so special about him?
    4)Why would Caliban and Trinculo listen and obey someone who drinks?
    5)What does the song “Flout ‘em and count ‘em And scout ‘em and flout’ em! Thought is free” mean? (Act 3 Sc 2 Lines 133-135)

  134. Julio Chen:

    What is the moral of the story?

  135. Jessica

    1. Is Caliban drunk throughout this whole scene? Does he only think Stephano is a god when he is drunk?

    Caliban wasn't drunk throughout the whole scene. He only drank the wine and that is probably it. No, he think Stephano as good the whole time after Caliban met him.

    2. Does Trinculo agree with the plan to kill Prospero?

    Yes, Trinculo does whatever Stephano tells him to do. Trinculo basically follows Stephano's orders or commands.

  136. Question:
    What does the word ecstasy mean? (Act 3 Scene 3 Line 130)

  137. Questions:
    1) Does Prospero like the fact that Miranda is in love?
    2) Why is that even though Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban are all low classed Stephano seems to have more power over the other two fools?
    3) Why would Caliban want to stop his services with Prospero and want to be Stephano's subject when Claiban wants freedom?
    4) Has Ferdinand met Miranda before there encounter when they end up marrying each other?
    5) What will happen to Alonzo, will his throne be taken away from him?
    Taylor's [TayRae] Question

    2. Why does Trinculo serve Stephano, if he is only being used? (Act 3 Sc. 2)

    Trinculo think of Stephano as a friend whom he can trust. Even though Stephano might not be nice Trinculo, Stephano is someone Trinculo looks up to.

  138. 1) What did Trinculo mean when he said, "TRINCULO
    Servant-monster! the folly of this island! They
    say there's but five upon this isle: we are three
    of them; if th' other two be brained like us, the
    state totters"? Did he mean that Stephano, Caliban and himself were smart, or just Stephano and him?

    2)I keep forgetting who is the mirror of who. I did the scene on Trinculo, Caliban and Stephano. Who do they parallel with and why?

    3)When Ariel makes the speech about how they were brought to the island because of their sins, can they see him?

    4)Off my last question, can here Prospero praising Ariel?

    5)This may be unanswerable, but what do Sebastian, Gonzalo, and Anotonio plan to do on the island?

  139. Act 3 Scene 3 Questions

    What does Sebastian mean when he says "Now I believe that there are unicorns.."(Act 3, Scene 3, Lines 26-27).

    What does Antonio and Sebastian plan on doing at night to Alonso?

    Why did Ariel appear like a Harpy? What message did he want to pass to Alonso?

    What was the point of bringing in a banquet with dancing shapes?

    Who is Gonzalo talking to at the end of the scene?

  140. Wilson,
    Sebastian says that meaning that he will believe in anything now because he saw those ghosts.

    Antonio and Sebastian plan on killing the king and Gonzalo so that Sebastian can become king.

  141. Hadeel:
    In answer to your first question, yes he is pleased with the fact that Miranda and Ferdinand are in love. This is like the question I asked in class. I had wondered why he seemed so monotone about the situation even though everything was going according to his plan. Because Prospero has caused all this to happen, he knew they would fall in love, so it isn't a surprise to him.

  142. John--
    Do anyone have logical reason why Adrian did not speak up until the end of Act 3 Scene 3?

    Of course, I do! As Ms. Karvunis has stated in the beginning of the semester, this whole book shows the role of power. I've learned that throughout this book, where ever you read there is always someone powerful over another. Even if all is of a lower class, such as Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo, there is still a social hierarchy within a social hierarchy. Since this scene only includes the kingsmen, this is the social heirarchy of the higher class. I'm guessing because Adrian had no important role, he has the least power with in this "society" of kingsmen.

  143. Question from Hadeel Ayesh
    2) Why is that even though Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban are all low classed Stephano seems to have more power over the other two fools?

    A: Stephano has the most power over the other two "fools", Trinculo and Caliban, because Stephano has the characteristic of a leader. Trinculo and Caliban does not. Trinculo is not independent according to (Act 2 Scene 2 Line 89) where Trinculo was over joyed to see Stephano and tells Stephano to "defend" him. Also, Caliban has been treated as a slave through out his entire life. Therefore, Stephano has the characteristic trait to suit has a leader which make him have more power over the other two people. (Also I want to include that Stephano has wine/liker and the other two character does not)

  144. For my fourth question I meant to ask if Sebastian, Gonzalo and Antonio can hear Prospero praising Ariel. Sorry if that was unclear.

  145. Charlie Perez

    1) Scene 2- Why did Ariel imitate Trinculo's voice in the first place?
    2) Scene 3- Where did the banquet come from?
    3) Scene 3- Were Sebastian and Antonio referring to their plan to kill Alonso in the beginning of the scene?
    4) Scene 3- Was the "harpy" visible to Alonso and his kingsmen, or only Alonso?
    5) Scene 1- Is Prospero now accepting of his daughter's love for Ferdinand?

    3) Why do Stephano and Trinculo call Caliban "monster" and not just his name?

    They call Caliban monster because he is a native and they see him as an inferior creature. He also lets himself on to be inferior because he begs for Stephano to be his master and loves being his slave.

    4. Does Prospero have no power without his books?
    Act 3, Scene 3

    Prospero has no power withou his books. This is because his books have all his spells, without any spells he is just a helpless old man.

  146. Wilson,

    Gonzalo is talking to Adrian (who remains silent throughout the scene) at the end. He feels that Adrian is the only other sane person on their voyage.

    1. [Page 111] What is the purpose of the banquet, the feast for the kinsmen? Is this a plan of Prospero that he is setting up?

    2. [Page 113] I don't get it, what is the purpose of Ariel turning into a Harpy, he can't be seen anyway...?

    3. [Page 115, Line 79] What does Ariel mean when he said, "Are ministers of Fate"?

    4. [Page 117] Is Prospero leading the kinsmen somewhere, "In their distractions. They now are in my power..."?

    5. [Page 115, Line 95] What does "Ling' ring perdition" mean?

  148. Wilson in response to your third question, Ariel probably appeared as a Harpy because Prospero told him to. Just as he previously told him to appear as a nymph. As for the second part, the message was a warning and a threat I believe. This is Prospero's revenge time. He was exiled and now he can show those who exiled him what he has gone through for 15 years.

  149. Answer these!:

    1. Is this whole book done about one day on the island? Ariel seems to still be working for Prospero, so it's still within the two days given for him, right? (Act 3 in general)

    2. Did Prospero plan on Ferdinand and Miranda falling in love (Scene 1)?

    3. Why did Gonzalo, Adrian, and Francisco not question why the banquet of food dissapeared (Scene 3)?

    4. If the liquor's gone, will Caliban still be Stephano's slave (Scene 2)?

    5. Was the banquet something to tease the "men of sinners" (Scene 3)?

    Logical answers are welcome.

  150. Correction:
    3. What is the theme going on in scene 3 of act 3?



    1. Why did Ariel imitate Trinculo's voice in the first place?
    Ariel imitated Trinculo's voice because he wanted Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban to fight with each other. Or make their relationship worsen.


    2. Why do Stephano and Trinculo call Caliban "monster" and not just his name?
    Well first I don't think Caliban had ever told his name, and even if he did, Stephano and Trinculo didn't give a damn about Caliban. They did say that Caliban was just a foolish/ridiculous monster throughout that whole scene especially Trinculo.

  152. Answers to Shelly Mudkipz Guan
    4. If the liquor's gone, will Caliban still be Stephano's slave (Scene 2)?

    A: Yes Caliban will still be Stephano's slave. If you read Further on to the book, Caliban tries to convince his "master", Stephano to not do any foolish actions that will upset Prospero. If you did not yet read more into the book, it is hard to explain. And again, Caliban will still obey Stephano's command because Caliban mainly wants a new master that treats Caliban better.

  153. 1)Act 3 Scene 2: Out of the three characters in scene two, how is Stephano the one who shows the most power out of Caliban and Trinculo. Do the others not want some respect and authority?

    2)Act 3 Scene 2: Why was Ariel using Trinculo's voice and not Caliban/Stephano. If in Stephano's voice, could it be possible to control the other two characters?

    3)Act 3 Scene 2: Why was Ariel with Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo in the first place?

    4)Act 3 Scene 2: From lines 132-135. The song that is sung, what excatly does it mean?

    5)Act 3 scene 2: Why would a fool want to be king?

  154. Shelly:

    2. Did Prospero plan on Ferdinand and Miranda falling in love (Scene 1)?

    Prospero was shocked to see Ferdinand fall in love with Miranda. He did not plan on this happening. I think Prospero had other plans for Ferdinand since he ordered Ariel to separate Ferdinand from the rest of the noblemen and crew.

    3. Why did Gonzalo, Adrian, and Francisco not question why the banquet of food dissapeared (Scene 3)?

    Gonzalo, Adrian, and Francisco did not question the banquet of food disappearing because they knew it was not natural when that banquet suddenly disappearing. They would probably assume it was either a ghost or a spirit haunting them.

    4. If the liquor's gone, will Caliban still be Stephano's slave (Scene 2)?

    Caliban will still be Stephano's slave because Caliban is sort of using Stephano to get his revenge on Prospero.

    5. Was the banquet something to tease the "men of sinners" (Scene 3)?

    I think the banquet has to do with teasing the men of sinners because it would indicate some sort of sin and their actions would show it. This is shown when the noblemen tried to grab something from the banquet which could indicate greed. Greed is a sin which is depicted in the noblemen.

  155. 1. Act 3, Scene 2
    Why is Trinculo so hostile towards Caliban? is it jealousy that he is losing a companion to a "monster"?
    2. Act 3, Scene 2
    Caliban says that all the spirits Prospero has control over, hate him. Ariel doesn't hate his master. Does that mean Caliban was lying when he said that to Stephano?
    3. Act 3, Scene 2
    Why does Stephano say that he will do anything the "monster" asks of him?(Line 117). Does Stephano owe him some sort of debt?
    4. Act 3, Scene 2
    Why does Trinculo take orders from Stephano when he can fight for himself? Why does he let himself get beaten and threatened?
    5. Act 3, Scene 2
    Why is Ariel trying to pull Stephano and Trinculo's companionship apartby putting words in Trinculo's mouth?

  156. Matt Durante

    Why is Trinculo so hostile towards Caliban? is it jealousy that he is losing a companion to a "monster"?

    I believe that Trinculo is mean to Caliban because Caliban is a low life servant. Trinculo is still amazed that Caliban has become the servant of Stephano, who is not royal at all. Trinculo probably sees that all Caliban wants is to get rid of Prospero, and plans to use Stephano as his own puppet and will do what he asks him which is a bit ironic since Caliban is supposed to be Stephano's servant.

    Caliban says that all the spirits Prospero has control over, hate him. Ariel doesn't hate his master. Does that mean Caliban was lying when he said that to Stephano?

    Prospero keeps Ariel to himself, and nobody but Prospero knows of Ariel; not even Miranda knows about him. Caliban just doesn't know about Ariel, but he might. Then again, Ariel might actually hate Prospero, because he is forced to do what Prospero tells him to do or else he will be emprisoned again.

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. Richard Gobin

    Stephanie Echevarria's Questions
    3)When Ariel makes the speech about how they were brought to the island because of their sins, can they see him?

    Yes they can because he has taken the form of a Harpie, and is explaining why they were brought here.

    4)Off my last question, can hear Prospero praising Ariel?

    No I don't think they would be able to hear him because I think he would be aside talking to Ariel.

    5)This may be unanswerable, but what do Sebastian, Gonzalo, and Anotonio plan to do on the island?

    I think Sebastian, and Antonio plan to kill Gonzalo and Alonso the next chance they have.

  159. Act 3 Scene one
    1)Why did Ferdinand begin the scene carrying logs? It was kind of out of nowhere.

    Act 3 Scene one
    2)Why would Prospero say such a harsh thing to his daughter when he says, "Poor worm, thou art infected. This visitation shows it." (Act 3 sc. 1 lines 38-39).

    Act 3 Scene one
    3) What made Miranda and Ferdinand instantly fall in love with each other?

    Act 3 sc. 2
    4) I am really confused at what is happening in the beginning of the scene. What is going on?

    Act 3 scene 2
    5)How does Stephano seem to have so much power even though he is just a mere butler of Alonso?

  160. Richard Gobin
    My Questions

    1. What will happen to Caliban when Stephano runs out of wine?

    2. Will Stephano kill Prospero?

    3. Will Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban fight for Miranda's love?

    4. Is Ferdinand on the same island as Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban?

    5. Why does Ariel respond to Caliban's description of Prospero?

  161. Shelly:
    Q5: Was the banquet something to tease the "men of sinners"?

    To answer your question Shelly, if you look into after Ariel's long text in the same scene, it says in italics, "then to soft music enter the shapes again and dance, with mocks and mows, and carrying out the table." This can possibly mean that the banquet was meant to tease them because it came in and out so quickly. The banquet was taken away by the shapes that were dancing with mocking gestures and they were also grimacing
    (Mows = Grimacing in middle English). It's quite possible that it was only a tease to the "men of sinners." Ariel thought it was fit for them to suffer that way while on the island. Hope that helps.

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. Questions

    Why is Prospero still plotting on killing Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio after he told his daughter he will not do that?

    What will happen if Miranda finds out?

    What will happen if Caliban and Stephano's plan to kill Prospero fails?

    Does Prospero know that Ferdinand is Alonso's son?

    Is this Ariel's last job for Propsero?

  164. Act 3, Scene 2
    1. Why does Stephano call Caliban a lieutenant?
    2. Why does Trinculo call Caliban half- fish and half- monster?
    3. How come Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo are able to hear Ariel, if they can't see him?

    Act 3, Scene 3
    4. What exactly is Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Alonso's plan?
    5. Who is Adrian?

  165. Richard Gobin

    Antonio Amato's Questions

    Act 3 sc. 2
    4) I am really confused at what is happening in the beginning of the scene. What is going on?

    In the beggining of the scene they are talking about what will happen if the wine runs out. Then Caliban tells them about Prospero. Then Stephano decides to kill him, and marry Miranda.

    Act 3 scene 2
    5)How does Stephano seem to have so much power even though he is just a mere butler of Alonso?

    Stephano seems to have so much power because Trinculo is scared of Caliban so he looks for Stephano for protection. Caliban thinks of Stephano as a god since he gave him wine, which calmed him down.

  166. Richard
    Q2: Will Stephano kill Prospero?

    To answer the question Richard, since I have no proof from the book as of yet, logically, you can say he might not do the killing deed. Stephano I believe has put himself into the leading role between him, Caliban and Trinculo. I don't believe a leader fool would want to do all the dirty work.

  167. Grace:
    Why is Prospero still plotting on killing Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio after he told his daughter he will not do that?

    Prospero probably told his daughter he would not do this to not get her scared, or anything. I believe he still wants to get back at Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio because of what they did to him and his daughter. I think it's logical how he would still want revenge, after they exiled him and his daughter to a whole different place with basically nothing.

  168. Richard Gobin's Question

    Will Stephano kill Prospero?
    Most likely since they planned out what they were going to do to him and everything. But then again, Ariel might tell Propsero that Caliban and Stephano are planning to kill him. I guess this all depends.

    3. Will Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban fight for Miranda's love?
    I don't think there will me much of a fight for Miranda because in this triad, Stephano is like the king. Trinculo and Caliban will most likely just let Stephano have Miranda. Unless maybe like a random thing happens and they start fighting for Miranda. Maybe Stephano and Ferdinand will fight for Miranda.

  169. Grace:
    Does Prospero know that Ferdinand is Alonso's son?

    I think that Prospero knows that Ferdinand is Alonso's son because maybe it's another way for him to get back at Alonso. If Ferdinand and Miranda are in love, if Alonso ever finds out, he might be mad because why would he want his son to be in love with the daughter of the man who was exiled, and stole power.

  170. Richard Gobin

    Laura Ashley's Questions

    Act 3, Scene 2
    1. Why does Stephano call Caliban a lieutenant?

    Stephano calls him a lieutenant becuase he is planning to run the island and is going make Caliban his lieutenant.

    2. Why does Trinculo call Caliban half- fish and half- monster?
    Trinculo calls him this because that is how Caliban looks like to him.

    3. How come Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo are able to hear Ariel, if they can't see him?
    Ariel made him self invisible, so that means they can't see him, but they can still hear him.

    Act 3, Scene 3
    4. What exactly is Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Alonso's plan?
    I think Sebastian, and Antonio plan to kill Gonzalo and Alonso the next chance they have.

    5. Who is Adrian?
    Adrian is another kingsmen who was on the ship.

  171. Sandy Wu

    Act 3, Scene 3
    1) Why is there music playing?
    2) Why do Antonio and Sebastian want to kill Alonso?
    3) Do they want to kill Gonzalo as well?
    4) Will Alonso and Gonzalo figure out that Antonio and Sebastian are trying to kill them?
    5) When it says, “He [Ariel] vanishes in thunder”, is Ariel leaving quickly, or is it literally a thunder?

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. -Semir
    Why is Ferdninand so okay with being the slave of Prospero after living the life of a prince? Act 3 Scn 1

    Ferdinand accepts the fact that he must be the slave of Prospero in order to be with the love of his life. There is no other way to do so besides proving himself to Prospero. He is willing to leave the ways and life of a Prince behind him in order to be with Miranda, his one and only true love.

    Is gonzalo not aware of Antonio's plot?

    In my opinion, Gonzalo is a little suspicious of both Antonio and Sebastian. They seem to separate themselves from Gonzalo and Alonso and of course when Gonzalo caught Antonio and Sebastian with their swords. I believe Gonzalo does know , but doesn't want to make any assumptions without having to prove it first.

  174. Richard Gobin

    Sandy Wu's Question

    Act 3, Scene 3
    1) Why is there music playing?
    Music always plays when Ariel enters, or something dramatic happens.

    2) Why do Antonio and Sebastian want to kill Alonso?
    They want to do this so they can inherit the throne, and be powerful

    3) Do they want to kill Gonzalo as well?
    Yes they want to kill him as well so Antonio can be a lord to Sebastian.

    4) Will Alonso and Gonzalo figure out that Antonio and Sebastian are trying to kill them?
    Gonzalo already suspects something from the first attemt so maybe he will figure it out.

    5) When it says, “He [Ariel] vanishes in thunder”, is Ariel leaving quickly, or is it literally a thunder?
    It is literally thunder becuase when he enters Shakespeare describes it literaly as thunder.

  175. 1. What does Prospero gain from observing the love between Ferdinand and Miranda

    2. Does Caliban set Stephano and Trinculo up for a trap when he hears ariel playing and yet passes it off as something common of the island?

    3. Sebastian and Gonzalo plan to kill Alonso?

    4. Why would Prospero try to torture Gonzalo like the rest of Alonso's party if it is stated that Gonzalo had helped him in a way in the past?

    5. Out of all shapes why did Ariel become a harpy?

  176. Answers to James Chen’s questions:
    3) In line 66 what did Stephano mean by "party"?

    Stephano is just trying to say, “Can’t you bring me to him.” Party is just a fancier way in saying that, I guess.

    4) Why would Caliban give so much respect to Stephano in he has such little power? Prospero, as his first master, has more then Stephano. Why doesn’t Caliban be like Antonio and follow people holding a lot of power? Is it because he fears him less or he like him as a master rather then Prospero?

    Caliban probably thinks that Stephano will treat him better than Prospero does. Prospero mistreated him and made Caliban want to leave him. Also, Stephano gives Caliban beer/liquor to drink. Caliban did follow someone with a lot of power, he followed Prospero. Antonio is following someone with a lot of power too, King Alonso. But both of them want to kill their “masters” right now. So following “powerful” people isn’t always the best way to go.

    I don’t know if I’m correct, but these are just my thoughts.

  177. 1) What was Prospero's purpose for revealing Ariel to the three men in Harpy form? (Act 3 Sc. 3)

    2) If Antonio and Sebastian are trying to take over the king, then how is Stephano trying to take over the land with two underlings the same situation?

    3) Why does music play whenever Ariel or Prospero come in?

    4) Are Sebastian and Antonio planning to kill the king? I didn't quite catch it. (Act 3 Sc. 3)

    5) How does Stephano think he is going to kill Prospero after hearing how dangerous he is? (Act 3 Sc. 2)

  178. Alica
    3) act 3, scene 2
    im confused, have caliban and stephano planned to murder prospero and marry miranda?

    Caliban has convinced Stephano that in order to gain power of the island and have him as a slave, Stephano must first kill Prospero. Further enticing him to commit the deed, Caliban explains to Stephano how beautiful Miranda is and that he should take her. Fully enticed by the proposition, Stephano plans to kill Prospero and gain the island, Caliban and Miranda as his rewards all in the attempt to obtain power.

    1) What is Prospero's purpose in trying to get Miranda and Ferdinand to fall in love?

    The answer to that isn't really stated I guess its one of those things where you'll learn as you keep reading. I suspect Prospero allows the two to fall in love and place obstacles in between them in order to make Ferdinand suffer being able to obtain a love he really desires. Prospero hates Ferdinand's father which is Alonso so making Ferdinand suffer through the agonies of an impossible love would be a suitable form of revenge.

  179. -David
    3. Sebastian and Gonzalo plan to kill Alonso?

    No, it is Sebastian and Antonio that plans to kill Alonso, because they work together to take over the king's place.

    2) Why do Antonio and Sebastian want to kill Alonso?

    Antonio and Sebastian are both working together to kill the Alonso, the king. They are both power-hungry, but Antonio was the first one to decide to kill the king and take his place.

  180. Richard, in my opinion Stephano could kill Ferdinand becuase he now has Miranda and her father is not in the way so much as Ferdinand is, think about the current sittuation.

  181. 1) [Act 3 Scene 2] Is there sexual tension between Miranda and Ferdinand?

    2) [Act 3 Scene 2] Will Prospero tell Miranda and Ferdinand that he approves of their marriage?

    3) [Act 3 Scene 3] Does everyone consider themsleves to be superior to Caliban?

    4) [Act 3 Scene 3] Did Prospero know that Caliban would betray him?

    5) [Act 3 Scene 3] Is Prospero ateempting to play mind games with the stranded men?

  182. This comment has been removed by the author.

  183. Act 3:
    Scene 2-
    If Alonso is the king, why does he call Gonzalo "Old Lord"?

    Sebastian and Antonio seem to be against the others they were on the ship with, but are they against someone in specific or just the whole crew?

    Are the shapes really people on the island? Are they figments of the kingsmen's imaginations? Are they part of Propero's or Ariel's tricks?

    When Gonzalo speaks on page 113, is he alluding to other tales of Shakespeare's time, or is he simply talking giberish?

    The group of kingsmen and the king seem t know what they have done to Prospero, and that's why they're in fear. However, Is Gonzalo somewhat responsible for Prospero's fate even though he did help Prospero when he was in need?

  184. Jia Wen Cao said...
    3) Why does music play whenever Ariel or Prospero come in?

    5) How does Stephano think he is going to kill Prospero after hearing how dangerous he is? (Act 3 Sc. 2)

    3) Whenever Ariel is around and Prospero enters, music plays because Ariel plays the music. That goes for Ariel entering as well. He plays the music that's heard on the island.

    5) Caliban tells Stephano how to kill Prospero. Their strategy is for Stephano to take Prospero's books while he sleeps. That's his source of power, and without those books he's virtually no more powerful than Caliban because of his old state.

  185. Answering Amy Nejati's Question
    1) [Act 3 Scene 2] Is there sexual tension between Miranda and Ferdinand?

    A: In that specific scene,Act 3 Scene2, there is no sexual tension between Miranda and Ferdinand so far. As you read further on in to book (Act 4), Prospero warns Ferdinand not to do anything sexual to his daughter, Miranda.

  186. Answering Amy Nejati's Question:
    2) [Act 3 Scene 2] Will Prospero tell Miranda and Ferdinand that he approves of their marriage?

    A: From my knowledge through Act 3 Scene 2, I do not think Prospero will approve the marriage yet between Miranda and Ferdinand. Prospero is still testing Ferdinand is truly in love with his daughter, Miranda.
