Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day three: pages 29-39

Post questions and answers on The Tempest pages 29-29.

Label your name or the question you are answering. NO REPEATS!!!

Consider: Why does Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel?
Discuss the change in Miranda regarding Caliban. What is the cause?
Is Shakespeare commenting on native people with the characters, Sycorax
and Caliban? Is it positive or negative?
What underlying message does Shakespeare convey about imperialism/natives?


  1. Semir-
    Why does Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel?

    I think Prospero has power over Caliban and Ariel because he saved them from misery after the witch, Sycorax, died. They were in a cloven pine on this island for twelve years. Prospero released them and took them as slaves (Act 1 Scn 2 Lines 330-337).

  2. Semir-
    Discuss the change in Miranda regarding Caliban. What is the cause?

    In the beginning, Miranda was very respectful of Caliban. She pitied his being and taught him an hour a day her language (Act 1 Scn 2 Lines 424-426). She, now, regrets being so nice and teaching him. This happened because Caliban cursed Prospero and Miranda (Act 1 Scn 2 Lines 385-388).

  3. Semir-
    Is Shakespeare commenting on native people with the characters, Sycorax

    I believe that Shakespeare is commenting on native people with the character Sycorax. He tells about terrible sorceries and mischiefs she committed (Act 1 Scn 2 Line 317). She also did something bad and was banished (Act 1 Scn 2 Line 319). Caliban mentions that Sycorax brushed wicked dew (Act 1 Scn 2 Line 385). Sycorax was not described positively at all and seems like a bad person/witch.

  4. By the way, there is an error. It says pages 29-29 rather than 29-39.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Characterization:
    Does Ariel have an important job that Prospero needs her for?
    If so what does Prospero need from Areil?
    Is the island really Caliban's inhabitance?

    What does Caliban mean when he says,"The red plague rid you..." (Act 1,Line 437).

  7. Plot:
    What is Shakespeare's message about human nature? Are humans good or bad or its just natural for humans to want more?

    What is the women's role in this story? Why?

  8. Plot:

    Who would have greater power Prospero or Sycorax ?

    Why does Caliban hates Prospero so much now after he was so nice to him?

    What does “ honor my daughter mean?”
    It means that Caliban tried to rape Miranda, when he was living with Prospero and her.

  9. Consider: Why does Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel?

    Prospero has power over Ariel because he freed him from his prison, that prison being a hollow tree (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 346-347). He also has power over Caliban because he basically took Caliban’s island (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 3396-397)and is Prospero’s slave (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 422).

    Discuss the change in Miranda regarding Caliban. What is the cause?

    Miranda pitied Caliban in the beginning (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 424). She taught him their language (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 425). She also taught him new things every hour (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 425-327). Her mind changed, however, because he tried to rape her (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 417-418). This causes her to call him many names. An example would be that she called him “ a villain” (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 370).

    Is Shakespeare commenting on native people with the characters, Sycorax
    and Caliban? Is it positive or negative?

    I believe that Shaekspeare is comment on native people with the characters of Sycorax and Caliban negatively. Caliban, if you moved the letters around, spells canible (as we said in class). I do not think that was a coincidence because Shakespeare wrote the book for a purpose. Also , when describing Sycorax, she is descried with a negative connotation. Prospero calls her a “foul ” (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 309) and a “damned” witch (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 316). He also calls her a hag (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 322). Caliban is described with a negative connotation as well. Prospero describes him as “ a freckled whelp,hag-born” (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 336). I found out that “whelp” meant A young offspring of a mammal, such as a dog or wolf ( Also, he is the son of a hag, so that displays a negative connotation. Miranda calls him a “abhorred slave” (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 422) and a “villain” (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 370). These are just to name a few examples. To summarize this, Shakespeare displays Sycorax and Caliban as something bad and evil. Shakespeare is commenting on the native people with the two characters because he uses certain diction to give the reader a negative image of the two characters. Also, when Prospero is yelling at Ariel, the diction Shakespeare uses is not as negative as the words used to describe the two characters. Both Ariel and Caliban are servants of Prospero, but Prospero treats Ariel better. When Ariel talked back to him, he yelled at him and did not threaten him. When he was talking to Caliban, however, he easily goes to threatening him, displaying Shakespeare’s commenting on native people with the two characters.

    What underlying message does Shakespeare convey about imperialism/natives?

    I believe that the underlying message Shakespeare is trying to convey about imperialism/natives is that the natives are bad and evil people because they believe in a different religion and have a different lifestyle than white men. which relates to the white man's burden.

  10. Plot:
    Isn't Sycorax Prospero's mother?
    If she is, why is Prospero calling his mother a witch?

    What is women's role in this story?
    I think since this book/play was written in the 1500's, women didn't have much of a role in society. They were either housewives or maybe princesses that just helped the men out. They did not impact the society that much. I don't think Shakespear gave women a huge role because Ariel is a boy and girl's name. Shakespear could have made Ariel a girl but he didn't. I dont think women really had a big role in this play.

  11. Tyiana-
    Why does Caliban hates Prospero so much now after he was so nice to him?

    Caliban hates Prospero after being so nice to him because Prospero thinks of Caliban as like a savage. At one point Caliban did like Prospero and showed him around the island but now Prospero thinks of Caliban as filth since Caliban tried to rape Miranda.

  12. Grace, Ms Karvunis told us that Syracrax was Caliban's mother from Algiers.

  13. -Castillo.Jon

    1.Does Prospero have power over Caliban because of magic? or because he taught Caliban?

  14. Character:

    Why does Caliban try to rape Miranda? Does that relate to the imperialism that Shakespeare conveys about imperialism/natives?


    If she is, why is Prospero calling his mother a witch?

    Prospero not only calls his mother a witch but his father a devil. This is just another insult Prospero tells Caliban to hurt him and show that he has power over him.

  15. I got a question. Are we suppose to take notes on our character, answer the questions on the blog for homework, and post our questions for participation points?

  16. John Cruz:


    Why does Caliban try to rape Miranda? Does that relate to the imperialism that Shakespeare conveys about imperialism/natives?

    I think Caliban wanted to rape Miranda because of lust. Maybe since she was the only girl there that was close to him, so had an urge to rape her. This does not relate to imperialism, but Prospero taking over Caliban's island coounts as imperialism/natives. Prospero is now in control of the island which used to be Caliban's.

  17. Castillo.Jon

    1.Does Prospero have power over Caliban because of magic? or because he taught Caliban?

    Prospero has power over Caliban because he has magic. "I must obey. His art is of such power..." (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 448).

  18. -Castillo, Jon

    Shakespeare is using mythical creatures. I have yet to figure out why... Any way I noticed Miranda is not listening to her father as she admits "the strangeness of your story put heaviness in me" (Act 1. lines 365-367). (correct me if I'm wrong please)However Miranda begins to disrespect her father she says "who who hadst deserved more than a prison" (Act 1.line 436)

  19. Characterization

    Why is Caliban restricted to the cave?

    Why would Caliban try to rape Miranda?

    Is Caliban really evil or is he just a damaged soul looking for attention?

  20. Characterization:
    Does Caliban resist the orders Prospero gives him? If so,is that why he hoped that Sycorax's charms to "light" on him?

    Is Caliban wishing Prospero?

    What does Prospero mean when he says to Caliban "till thou didst seek to violate The honor of my child"? (Act 1 Sc 2 Lines 417-418?

  21. Correction:
    Is Caliban wishing Prospero bad?*

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Jon:

    Shakespeare is using mythical creatures. I have yet to figure out why... Any way I noticed Miranda is not listening to her father as she admits "the strangeness of your story put heaviness in me" (Act 1. lines 365-367). (correct me if I'm wrong please)However Miranda begins to disrespect her father she says

    My response:
    Actually, Miranda was not disrespecting her father when she said "who hadst deserved more than a prison" (Act 1.line 436). She was saying that to Caliban because he was disrespecting her by talking back to Prospero. He did this by saying how much kids he would of got if he raped Miranda (Act 1 line 419- 421).

  24. Why does Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel?

    Prospero has power over Ariel because he freed him and it was only right that Ariel owed Prospero something and that was a year of service because when you free someone they are usally in your debt. He has power over Caliban because he was a weak person and couldn't stand up against Prospero's magic and therefore has to obey prospero unless he wants to be tortured as this quote shows "I'll rack thee with old cramps, Fill all thy bones with aches, make thee roar That beasts shall tremble at thy din" (Act 1, scene 2, pg 39).

    Discuss the change in Miranda regarding Caliban. What is the cause?
    Is Shakespeare commenting on native people with the characters, Sycorax
    and Caliban? Is it positive or negative?

    Miranda does not want to go and see Caliban because, of being royalty, they never associate with slaves and Shakespere could be saying that Natives are dissgusting or it could be that Caliban is Muslim and is considered a lower person, like a slave because this book was written only about 200 years after the crusades and the Christian factions and Muslim factions always had a strong dislike for each other. In my opinion it could be a combination of both ideas, the idea that he is a native and a slave as well as a muslim because his mother was from Algeirs, which is mainly a muslim area and they were seen as savages because the area was normally full of cut throat pirates. Shakespere's message is that in my opinion, natives are savage and so are Muslims because they were seen as such through the eyes of Europe. This is Negative because Miranda is Ignorant to the few people on the island because she does not want to go and see Caliban because of who he is and what he is.The cause for Miranda's choice is as I said before, the fact that Nobility does not asscoiate with the lower calss, slaves.

    What underlying message does Shakespeare convey about imperialism/natives?

    Shakespere's message is that natives are not superior because if they were superior or equal than Prospero would not be controlling Caliban.


    Language: What does shakespere mean when he says "Was grown into a hoop"? (Act 1, scene two, pg 31)

    Characterization: Why did Prospero want Caliban as a slave and not a companion?

    Plot: Why is Prospero attacking Caliban with words and not torturing him as he could do?
    What is the signifigance of this scene?

    Imperialism (Colonialism): Through this example (Caliban being a slave and a native) is Shakespere saying that Colonialism the way to go.

    Literary elements: Could Shakespere be critisizing society because Syrocrax is african and is defined as a witch?

    **Thanks for answering any of my questions**

  25. Jennifer - What does Prospero mean when he says to Caliban "till thou didst seek to violate The honor of my child"?

    This means that Prospero would have let Caliban live the way he wanted until he tried to rape his daughter.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. my bad, i got caliban's mother and prospero's mother confused, sorry

  28. Imperialism: What does this part of the scene have to do with imperialism?

  29. Jennifer-

    What does Prospero mean when he says to Caliban "till thou didst seek to violate The honor of my child"? (Act 1 Sc 2 Lines 417-418?

    Prospero is saying that Caliban tried to rape his own child and take away her virginity which will surely break Prospero's plan of Ferdinand and Miranda getting married because Ferdinand would rather marry a woman that is not tapped than one that is already tapped since Ferdinand is part of the aristocrats.

  30. Prospero does have power over Caliban. Although Caliban was nice to Prospero, Prospero calls Caliban "thou poisonous slave... by the devil himself". (Act 1 lines 384-385) Not only that but Prospero calls Caliban's mother a witch( many of you mentioned ) and threatens Caliban. '' Thou shalt be pinched as thick as honeycomb...more stinging than bees". (act 1 lines 392-394) By pinch he means torment.

  31. Prospero says something about Ariel being like a monster when he was once Sycorax's spirit. So Sycorax did use Ariel in her evil doings and Ariel used to also have done sinful/evil deeds due to being a servant of Sycorax?

  32. - Winnie

    oh thanks a lot Winnie. I got a bit confused there.

  33. Jia Wen:
    Prospero says something about Ariel being like a monster when he was once Sycorax's spirit. So Sycorax did use Ariel in her evil doings and Ariel used to also have done sinful/evil deeds due to being a servant of Sycorax?

    Sycorax did use Ariel for her evil doings but Prospero also mentioned that the doings were so bad that Ariel "...a spirit too delicate to act her earthy and abhorred commands..." stopped listening to her (which was why he was sealed) (Act 1 Line 325 - 326).
    I think when he was Sycorax's slave, Ariel did do evil deeds since Sycorax was described as an evil character who had evil intentions.

  34. Jia Wen Cao-

    Ariel did serve Sycorax and used Ariel, but Ariel did not comply with the commands and was imprisoned in a cloven pine for a dozen year.

    Prospero is speaking: "Her" is the witch, Sycorax.

    To act her earthly and abhorred commands,
    Refusing her grand hests, she did confine thee,
    By help of her more potent ministers
    And in her most unmitigable rage,
    Into a cloven pine, within which drift
    Imprisoned thou didst painfully remain

    (Act 1 Sc 2 Line 326-331)

  35. Robert-

    What does shakespere mean when he says "Was grown into a hoop"? (Act 1, scene two, pg 31)

    Shakespeare meant when he said "Was grown into a hoop," was that Sycorax has been hunched back over old age and ill will.

  36. Krystal:
    What does this part of the scene have to do with imperialism?

    This has to do with imperialism because the idea of imperialism was to turn "savages",which would be the natives, into a better species, in other words be like the rest of the western culture. It shows that Prospero has enslave Caliban because he is a savage and treats him like one. The idea is to show that Prospero is white, and has take Caliban a person from the dark land or evil land which is Africa, so he is consider a savage in the book, which relates to imperialism.

  37. Robert-

    Could Shakespere be critisizing society because Syrocrax is african and is defined as a witch?

    I think that in some way Shakespeare is criticizing society since Syrocrax is African and is defined as witch because the white burden believes that "evil streams from Africa" and that’s were a lot of magic comes from. So Shakespeare is showing society a different view of Africa and into believing in evil.

  38. Mona:
    Why is Caliban restricted to the cave?
    Is Caliban really evil or is he just a damaged soul looking for attention?

    Caliban is restricted to the cave, I suppose, is because he tried to rape Miranda. To punish him, Prospero jailed Caliban there.
    I think Caliban is just a damaged soul but not looking for attention. Before Prospero took over the island, Caliban said that he showed Prospero the "qualities" of the island (Act 1 Line 403). This shows that Caliban was nice, not evil. Later on though, Caliban became evil for trying to rape Miranda. When Prospero restricted Caliban in the cave, he became evil since his island was taken from him which was once his mother's (Act 1 Line 400).

  39. Plot: Why is Prospero attacking Caliban with words and not torturing him as he could do?
    What is the signifigance of this scene?

    Remember Robert that Caliban is the slave of Prospero.. Do you think that someone who has bought them fire,, fetch their wood, and serves in the offices. All these thinks show how Prospero profits out of this.

  40. Matthew Alfieri

    Characterization: Since Sycorax is a witch, why doesn’t her son, Caliban possess the same powers as she?

    Language: What does ‘Hag-seed’ mean?
    What does ‘Malice’ mean?
    What does ‘Nymph’ mean?

    Characterization: If Prospero is as powerful as he claims to be, then why does he need Caliban to fetch the wood and build the fires? Can’t Prospero just use his magic, which would make everything a lot simpler? If so, is Prospero not who he claims to be? What if Prospero possesses no power at all? In fact, what if nature, not Prospero brewed the storm, that violently attacked the ship and Prospero is just taking all the credit, saying that he started the storm to keep his power and control over the others around him? This would make perfect sense, as no one on the ship was killed. If all on the ship were Prospero’s enemies and Prospero himself controlled the storm, wouldn’t he have killed them all?

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Robert:

    Plot: Why is Prospero attacking Caliban with words and not torturing him as he could do?

    Prospero does torture him. He tells him that he will have cramps, side-stitches, urchins who will exercise all on him, and for him to be pinched, each pinch more painful. I believe that Prospero is attacking Caliban with words and not torturing him at that moment because his daughter was there. That is my inference, however.

    What is the significance of this scene?

    I think that this scene is a scene to open the story and introduce the reader to all of the characters. Also, it seems this way because in the beginning of the chapter, Prospero begins telling Miranda a story.

    Hope that made sense and helped!

  43. Jennifer

    Does Caliban resist the orders Prospero gives him? If so,is that why he hoped that Sycorax's charms to "light" on him?

    Caiban does not resist the orders of Prospero. In fact, Caliban is obeying every order of Prospero because of his strength in magic. Caliban said that Prospero's power is so great that his dam's god could be controlled by it (Act 1 Scn 2 Line 448-449).

  44. Winnie Chen i kinda agree with you but I believe that the reason why Caliban wanted to rape Miranda because she thought him the langanuge that they know and I agree with you that he is nice because "though thou didst learn, had that in't whcih good natures" (ACT 1 SC. 2 Line: 433 444

  45. Matt

    Characterization: Since Sycorax is a witch, why doesn’t her son, Caliban possess the same powers as she?

    Her son, Caliban, does not possess the same power as her because he was young and she died during his youth. His mother was exiled and she was pregnant when she was exiled. Also, she did "litter" him to the island. Litter, in my mind, means that she dumped him on the island and never saw him again. I hope that made sense and helped!

  46. Matthew Alfieri

    Characterization: Since Sycorax is a witch, why doesn’t her son, Caliban possess the same powers as she?

    This kind of power, in this book, isn't recieved genetically. Notice that Prospero didn't know any magic while he was a duke. This power/talent is practiced and then perfected. Prospero learned this talent and that is probably the way Sycorax learned her magic powers.

  47. Danny:

    Why is Prospero attacking Caliban with words and not torturing him as he could do?
    What is the signifigance of this scene?

    Prospero is attacking Caliban because he tried to rape his daughter. He isn't taking action because if he does, he could kill him, and Prospero tells Miranda that he is good to have because of his fetching of wood and other duties. The signifigance of the scene is to show how the native Caliban is being treated and how it could relate to the idea of imperialism. Remembering that it was colonialism not imperialism.

  48. Matt A.
    Malice:N: A desire to harm others or to see others suffer; extreme ill will or spite.
    2. Law The intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another
    Hymph: N: one of a numerous class of lesser deities of mythology, conceived of as beautiful maidens inhabiting the sea, rivers, woods, trees, mountains, meadows, etc., and frequently mentioned as attending a superior deity.

  49. (Add on to previous comment):

    I forgot to mention that Prospero is much more forgiving then I am. If I was Prospero and Caliban tried to rape my daughter, I would have killed him, not tortured him. If prospero continues to torture Caliban, then there is a higher chance that Caliban will be able to escape his imprisonment and have revenge on Prospero.

  50. Oh yea... My first comment was for Robert.
    Thanks John though

  51. Matthew Alfieri

    Hagseed- The offspring of a hag which is a witch; a sorceress; an old woman considered ugly or frightful.

  52. Matt

    I think I am more like Prospero. If someone tried to rape my daughter, I would want them to feel pain until they died. Simply killing him means he feels momentary pain. I would want him to feel ultimate super pain. I would want to kill him though. =]

    This blog has the MOST interesting conversations about the book. x]

  53. In line 359, why does Prospero tell Ariel to turn into a sea nymph?

  54. Jessica

    In line 359, why does Prospero tell Ariel to turn into a sea nymph?

    I am taking a guess because I ,myself. am not sure. He could have possibly told him to turn into a sea nymph because he wanted Ariel to spy on the people from the ship. It could possibly be tat the separated the group on certain edges of the island. It could be an island surrounded completely by water, so it would make it easy for Ariel to know what is going on throughout the groups. I hope that makes sense and helps!

  55. Jessica:

    Prospero wants Ariel to turn into a sea nymph for insurance more a less. Prospero doesn't want others to know who Ariel is, which is why he wasn't present in Miranda's conversation. He does this to perhaps hold the element of surprise or maybe just because he doesnt want people to assume what he can do with Ariel. On top of that, he is abusing Ariel and Miranda wouldn't want that.

  56. Maureen McCarthy

    Plot: When does it say anything about raping Miranda? I remember hearing something about that but I dont know where it shows up in the text.

    Does Miranda know anything about Ariel? Ariel Her?

    I think Prospero wanted Ariel to dress as a sea nymph to hide him from Miranda. Prospero did put her to sleep and then summoned Ariel (Shakespeare 25), so I think he is hiding Ariel. Now that he is disguised as a sea nymph and even showing up invisible, I have a feeling Prospero doesnt want Miranda to find out.

  57. Jessica:
    in line 359 Prospero tells Ariel to turn intn a sea of mymph because Prospero might of been refering to Ariel that he sould turn invisible/ blend in with nature. or to turn into something that noone could reconize. Prospero wanted to protect his daughter from seeing him because after he says that Prospero wakes up Miranda. A nymph means "one of a numerous class of lesser deities of mythology, conceived of as beautiful maidens inhabiting the sea, rivers" ( according to mythology prospero might of ment to turn into a mermaid

  58. Where is the page where Caliban wants to rape Miranda?

  59. I don't even remember reading it Dx.. Shakespeare books are so hard

  60. Maureen M.
    Does Miranda know anything about Ariel? Ariel Her?
    I don't think so because, Ariel can only be seen by Prospero and I think that Ariel knows of Miranda cause he sees her when talking to Prospero.

  61. Danny
    Where is the page where Caliban wants to rape Miranda?

    That is page 37 towards the bottom of the page.

  62. Why can Ariel be only seen by Prospero? Is it because Prospero doesn't want them to find out, or that he physically can't be seen by anyone else?

  63. Oh and about the rape thing-
    Its "In mine own cell, till thou didst seek to violate the honor of my child." (line 417)

    ^isn't that the understatement of the century!

  64. Jessica
    In line 359, why does Prospero tell Ariel to turn into a sea nymph?
    Well keep in mind that Ariel does Prospero's dirty work. Ms. Karvunis says that Prospero wants Ferdinand to be on the island for two reasons. One was so that King Alonso knows how it feels like to suffer and another ( which it says in the plot) so that Ferdinand can fall in love with Miranda. So I suppose that Ariel has to do some more wetwork for Prospero.

  65. My questions:
    1) Why did Prospero command Ariel to be invisible for everyone except him?
    2)How did Caliban became Prospero's slave?
    3)Wat does unmitigable mean?

    Tyiana's question:

    Who would have greater power Prospero or Sycorax?
    I think that at this point in the story, Prospero would have greater power than Sycorax. Prospero was able to make Ariel is servant and Caliban, the son of Sycorax, his slave (Act 1 scene2 line 368 & 348). Sycorax is already dead, she have no power because no matter how powerful she was when she was alive, she have no power after she dies.

  66. Maureen McCarthy

    Why can Ariel be only seen by Prospero? Is it because Prospero doesn't want them to find out, or that he physically can't be seen by anyone else?

    Perhaps Ariel is just a figment of Prospero's imagination. Ariel as well could be Prospero's conscience, or perhaps Prospero, himself. As well, what if after all Prospero has seen and done, he began to fall to the brink of insanity. Perhaps that's what led him to dive into his many books, which ultimatley changed him into the person that he is at present. Imagine if it was then that Prospero first saw Ariel, within the pine tree. Ariel could very well be the result of Prospero's madness.

  67. Maureen McCarthy
    Why can Ariel be only seen by Prospero? Is it because Prospero doesn't want them to find out, or that he physically can't be seen by anyone else?
    I think that Ariel can be seen by somebody else. Otherwise, why is Prospero so specific on the visibility of Ariel. He clearly tell him to become a nymph and to be visible only to his eyes. I also think that Prospero doesn't want anybody else to know that he is corrupt or that he isn't as innocent as Miranda thinks.

  68. SallyGee:
    what does unmatigable mean?

    mit⋅i⋅gate  /ˈmɪtɪˌgeɪt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [mit-i-geyt] Show IPA verb, -gat⋅ed, -gat⋅ing.

    –verb (used with object) 1. to lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate.

  69. I agree with Matt. Maybe he IS crazy and just made it up? I mean, he is perfectly capable of doing all those things on his own...

  70. Plot:
    What did tha charms or magic spells did to Caliban on Act 1 LIne 406 to Line 407?

  71. Matt

    Ariel can not be Prospero's conscience. Prospero commanded Ariel to follow his demands such as making the fire on the ship,but there wasn't any fire in reality. Prospero isn't going crazy, hes just getting his vengeance.

  72. Consider #1:
    Why does Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel?
    I think Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel because he kept using the fact that he "saved" them to take advantage of them. He have power over Ariel because he "saved" him from being trapped in a prison for eternity (Act 2 line 300). He also use the fact that he taught Caliban language, and the fact that he could cause him pain to control him (act2 line 437 & 445).

  73. Will Ferdinand and Miranda get married and will they take to the throne?

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Matthew


    What does "abhorred" mean?

    Abhorred is to be hated. We learned about this in Global History when we did the French Revolution.

  76. Plot:

    Why does Miranda get so angry and mean all of a sudden? She was sad for the Tempest and then when the story went into Caliban, she insulted him and felt no pity for him. What changed her?

  77. Matthew


    Why does Miranda get so angry and mean all of a sudden? She was sad for the Tempest and then when the story went into Caliban, she insulted him and felt no pity for him. What changed her?

    Miranda becomes angry because Caliban tried to rape her. She was kind and taught him, yet he still wanted to do the bad deed of raping her.

  78. Winnie Liang
    Julio’s question: What is women's role in this story?
    Grace’s answer: I think since this book/play was written in the 1500's, women didn't have much of a role in society. They were either housewives or maybe princesses that just helped the men out. They did not impact the society that much. I don't think Shakespear gave women a huge role because Ariel is a boy and girl's name. Shakespear could have made Ariel a girl but he didn't. I dont think women really had a big role in this play.
    My answer: I think women were given a role. My group had a discussion over whether Miranda having more power or Prospero. We thought Miranda had more power because Prospero cared for Miranda’s thoughts. When Miranda didn’t want Prospero to hurt anyone, he told her he wouldn’t.

  79. I noticed Caliban and Ariel are opposites. Although Prospero had helped both Caliban and Ariel, only Ariel stayed true to Prospero. Ariel never talked back to Prospero. As for Caliban, he cursed Prospero. “As wicked dew as e’er my mother brushed with raven’s feather from unwholesome fen drop on you both” (Act 1 Lines 385-387).

  80. Consider #2: Discuss the change of Miranda regarding Caliban. What is the cause the change?

    Miranda used to pity Caliban, so she taught him their language. She took pity on him, and with goodness, she taught him how to speak (act2 line 425). I think their relationship changed wen Caliban have attempted to rape her (Act 2 line 417-418).

  81. Thank you all for posting, you all just answered all my questions, so there isnt much on my mind to ask. The only thing that i didnt now was what did hagseed mean?

    Hagseed is the offspring of a hag.

    A hag is an ugly old women especially a vicious or malicious one.

  82. Matt-

    Why does Miranda get so angry and mean all of a sudden? She was sad for the Tempest and then when the story went into Caliban, she insulted him and felt no pity for him. What changed her?

    Caliban kind of tried to rape her... bottom of page 37

  83. Winnie:
    Where in the text show that Miranda tells Prospero not to hurt anyone and Prospero listens to Miranda?

  84. Matthew:
    I agree with you; Caliban is wrong for raping Miranda, but this was a time and age that I believe women did not have much rights. Maybe raping women was normal back then. But like i said, I do agree with you. Kind and tenderness is always confused with love.

  85. Matthew and Maureen


    Why does Miranda get so angry and mean all of a sudden? She was sad for the Tempest and then when the story went into Caliban, she insulted him and felt no pity for him. What changed her?

    I think Miranda may have also got angry because Caliban came out of right field as if he has a lot of power. If you look Act 1 SC 2 Line 396. It states that he says the Island is his and Mirandas father Prospero is a duke!

  86. Julio:
    Where in the text show that Miranda tells Prospero not to hurt anyone and Prospero listens to Miranda?
    Winnie Liang: That was in the previous reading. "O, I have suffered with those that i saw suffer" (Act 1 Lines 5-6).

  87. correction:
    Although it is a subtle difference and I may be wrong correcting it, but this story has a mistake. on page 32 where the words are translated so that it would be understandable, it says " 354. do my spiriting gently" If you look back at the text to the right on the same scene( Act 1. Sc. 2) line 354, it says " And do my spriting gently" Spiriting is spelled wrong and instead is "SPRITING" in shakespeares play. Somebody correct me if I am wrong and like I said earlier, it is only a small and subtle difference.

  88. and for HW do we have to write down notes on our character?

  89. Is Sakespeare commenting on the native people with character Caliban?

    I think tat Shakespeare is commenting on the natives with the characters Caliban and Sycorax. Shakespeare had used the words "savages, slave, brutish, and vile race" to described the natives (act 2 line 247-431). Shakespeare was also comment about how Caliban had introduced all the special qualities of the island, and that Prospero had taken Caliban's land and imprison Caliban. This reminds me of imperialism because of "The White Man's Burden". The westerners had taken over the native's land because of the reason that the natives are uncivilized and that they need to teach them.

  90. To Hadeel :

    Question: Will Ferdinand and Miranda get married and will they take to the throne?

    I don't think they get married because if you read the back cover of the book it says its a sad story. Their love has to go through many conspiracies and their love isn't the main idea of the book. I also believe this because since Prospero doesn't like Fernand he will use his magical powers to separate them as much as possible.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Danny Perez

    Why does Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel?
    There area many reasons why because Prospero does threatened them a lot and they have to serve him. For Ariel he wanted to be free already but Prospero already set him free one time when he was with Sycorax. He also remind Ariel what he promised and that made Ariel feel more stick to Prospero. He doesn’t harm them a lot (as physical) but he does them what he could do if Ariel doesn’t obey him. In line 349 where it says Prospero will put back Ariel to the oak for another twelve years.
    Then for Caliban, Prospero just talks a lot of trash about him and so does Caliban. They have no respect for each other but Prospero just mainly orders Caliban to do certain chores.

    Discuss the change in Miranda regarding Caliban. What is the cause?
    The reason why Miranda changes her mood when regarding Caliban because she thinks he is a villain, and she does love to look at him (ACT 1 SC.2 Line:370 371).

    Is Shakespeare commenting on native people with the characters, Sycorax
    and Caliban? Is it positive or negative?

    From the text I can infer that it really isn’t really positive but negative. He described them very well and Prospero mocks them. Prospero calls Sycorax a foul witch (Line 309 310). That was showing that Prospero had a dislike for her. Then he said “this blue eyed hag was hither brought with child and here was left by th’ sailors...” (Line: 322, 323, 324). Then Miranda who we all thought was nice and merciful, said that she thinks Caliban is a villain (Line 370, 371). Then Caliban thinks that the island is his as with his mother (Line 395). Overall all these evidence show how the choice of words can show the feeling towards someone.

    What underlying message does Shakespeare convey about imperialism/natives?
    That the natives themselves can learn everything about someone, learning their language and everything about their culture, as with Caliban (line 437).

  93. Elijah:

    Yes, we do have to write down notes on our assigned character.

  94. Elijah

    Yes, we have to continue.

    1. Please continue to take notes on your character when reading pages 29-39 in The Tempest. Your goal is to understand this character- what he/she does, thinks, feels and why Shakespeare creates him/her like this

  95. Questions:
    What does “twixt six” mean?
    Why will Prospero let go off Ariel in two days, I thought that he will keep him more.

    Plot: I don’t understand these quotes.

    “This island’s name by Sycorax, my mother, which thou tak’st from me. When thou cam’st first, thou strok’st me and made much of me, wouldst” (Line 396-399).
    “whom stripes may move, not kindness, have I used thee” (Line 413).

  96. Winnie Liang-

    We thought Miranda had more power because Prospero cared for Miranda’s thoughts. When Miranda didn’t want Prospero to hurt anyone, he told her he wouldn’t.

    No like does it say in the text that Miranda tells Prospero what to do and Prospero just follows? Does Miranda have some sort of direct control on Prospero?

  97. Julio
    No like does it say in the text that Miranda tells Prospero what to do and Prospero just follows? Does Miranda have some sort of direct control on Prospero?
    Winnie Liang
    Theres no direct quote in the text that says that. What I meant was what you said. Sorry if it caused confusion.

  98. Danny

    Why will Prospero let go off Ariel in two days, I thought that he will keep him more.

    Prospero only need Ariel for two more days just to complete the rest of his plans. Prospero granted Ariel freedom after Ariel follow Prospero's commands, and he states its only for two more days.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Julio

    Just because Prospero followed what Miranda asked for, doesn't mean she has control. Keep in mind that Prospero has compassion for his daughter. For example, Prospero made the king believe that his son died to put him in the same emotional downfall that he felt when Miranda was sent to exile with Prospero. So, Prospero wouldn't want to disappoint Miranda by not hurting anyone.

  101. Kevin but I thought it would be for a year?

  102. I think one reason as to why Ariel is in under control of Prospero is because Ariel is in debt to him him. Prospero freed Ariel from the hag by Prospero's spell. There is also the fact that if Ariel doesn't do what he says, He'll be turned into a tree.

  103. Language:
    What's the red plague? Is it just another disease?

    Is Ariel being let free?

    Why does Prospero say that Caliban was suffering, but yet Caliban seems to not be thankful?

    Prospero thinks that he's saving Caliban's and Ariel's life. Is this one of the imperialistic ideas?

    Literary Elements:
    Caliban mentions a god named Setebos. Is this another one of Shakespares's satiritical comments to Africans?

  104. Danny

    Ariel did say "To bate me a full year", but i guess that Prospero didn't need him anymore. This would explain why Ariel suddenly changed his moody attitude.

  105. Why does Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel?
    Prospero has power over Caliban because he has magic powers. Caliban also tried to rape Miranda so he does as Prospero tells him outof fear. "No, pray thee.(aside) I must obey. His art is of such power,
    It would control my dam’s god, Setebos,
    And make a vassal of him." (act 1 sc 2 pg 17).

  106. Kevin Joseph:

    In what line does Miranda ask Prospero to not harm anyone on the boat or Prospero wanted to just make Ferdinand, Prince of Naples, to fall in love with Miranda?

  107. What is the red plague? Is it just another disease?

    Red plague is an accelerated corrosion of copper when plated with silver. After storage or use in high-humidity environment, cuprous oxide forms on the surface of the parts. The corrosion is identifiable by presence of patches of brown-red powder deposit on the exposed copper.

    Red plague is caused by normally occurring electrochemical potential between the copper and silver, leading to galvanic corrosion occurring in pits or breaks in the silver plating. It develops in the presence of moisture and oxygen when the porosity of the silver layer allows them to come in contact with the copper-silver interface. It is an electrochemical corrosion—a copper-silver galvanic cell forms and the copper acts as sacrificial anode. In suitable conditions, the corrosion can proceed rather quickly and lead to total circuit failure.

    This is what i found.


  108. Danny

    Prospero probably realized how much Ariel had served him after he made his speach about not lying, mistaking, grudging, etc. He came to his sences.

  109. In just a response to Jairam's comment:
    "There is also the fact that if Ariel doesn't do what he says, He'll be turned into a tree."

    This is not exactly true. Prospero did not say that he will turn Ariel into a tree, in fact, Prospero said he will trap Ariel back into the oak tree if he doesn't cooperate with Prospero's orders. He will trap him with his magic for "twelve winters" (Line251) if Ariel does not stop complaining.

    I just want to state this because I do not want other people reading this to be confused.

  110. Julio:
    Where in the text show that Miranda tells Prospero not to hurt anyone and Prospero listens to Miranda?
    Winnie Liang: That was in the previous reading. "O, I have suffered with those that i saw suffer" (Act 1 Lines 5-6).

    This maybe a late response, but I may answer this.
    Though it is true that Miranda asks Prospero to stop him from hurting the noblemen, this was after the tempest. Prospero is a logical man, he thinks ahead of time. He specifically didn't hurt the nobles during the tempest because he planned it ou to be like that. Like I said in the previous blog, Prospero wants revenge on the nobles and he wouldn't want them to die a swift, quick death, but a slow, torturing and suffering death.
    In conclusion, Prospero already told himself and planned ahead that he wanted to scare the Nobles, but Miranda didn't stop him or anything. She came later AFTER the tempest was over. Prospero reassured her that no one was hurt because his plan was working.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. Nymph is a girl version of a spirit or a servant like person.

    " "nubile young woman," "

    ( )

  113. Vanbiet

    What is a nymph?

    Nymph- any of the minor divinities of nature in classical mythology represented as beautiful maidens dwelling in the mountains, forests, trees, and waters

  114. Guys, I was wondering in class today, since Prospero summoned Ariel (being a spirit) to harm the ship, does this mean that Prospero can summon other spirits as well?

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. Vanbiet--
    What is a nymph?

    A nymth is a small female mythical, spirit creature. Usually, they're associated with a specific element (water, earth, fire, etc.)

    They're kind of like faries.

  117. Laura
    Guys, I was wondering in class today, since Prospero summoned Ariel (being a spirit) to harm the ship, does this mean that Prospero can summon other spirits as well?

    Ariel is Prospero's slave. He cn't summon other spirits as of now from what we know. Ariel is his possesion

  118. Shelly-

    What's the red plague? Is it just another disease?


    Is Ariel being let free?

    Not until Prospero is satisfied with the outcome of his plan.

  119. -Shelly
    I believe Ariel is letting to be free soon because in act 1, scene 2, page 33 Prospero said "Do so, and after two days I will discharge thee". In modern english today, that means I will free you in two days. So Ariel is going to be freed but just not at the moment.

    Caliban is suffering because he's a slave to Prospero. Prospero is treating him worst than a slave, he would talk to Caliban with a negative attitude. I think he's doing that because back then Caliban tried to rape Miranda and Prospero found out and stopped him (act 1 scene 2 page 37 .

  120. Thanks Julio and Winnie for clearing that up for me.
    I am a bit confused about whether Caliban is a summoned spirit of Sycorax and why is he a slave of Prospero.

  121. I was also thinking about why Prospero wants Miranda and Ferdinand to fall in love. If Ferdinand's father, the King of Naples, is basically Prospero's enemy, why would he want his son falling in love with his daughter? I thought this was pretty odd because why would Prospero want his enemy's son falling in love with his daughter, whom the King of Naples made Prospero worry about.

  122. Question/ discussion:

    What is the origin of the name Sycorax?

    tell me what you think

    In class we discussed the origin of the name Caliban and as most of us may now, it is derived from Canibal. I want to know what you guys think of Sycorax. I researched on the name a little. Cora looks like corvus or raven in greek or latin or something like that and in the book it does mention a raven. Caliban insults Prospero and says " As wicked dew as e'er my mother brush'd
    With raven's feather from unwholesome fen
    Drop on you both! a south-west blow on ye
    And blister you all o'er!" (1,2. 471)

  123. LauraAshley-
    I think Prospero's ultimate goal is to regain his title as the Duke of Milan.

  124. Janet Ceron

    Why does Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel?

    As other people have said before, Prospero has power over Ariel and Caliban because he has helped them or freed them from their past. To add on, Prospero has power over Caliban and Ariel because he has strong magical powers that can harm them. Ariel cannot complain to Prospero, or Prospero will harm Ariel (Act 1, Line 349). Prospero has Ariel threatened because Ariel forgives himself and says he will be obedient (Act 1 Line 382). The reason why Prospero has power over Ariel is because Prospero has strong magical powers. Prospero's magical powers freed Ariel from the strong powers of the evil witch (Act 1, Line 322-337). Prospero's magic was powerful enough to remove the magic from an evil. This shows Prospero's power. Ariel follows Prospero's order because he does not want to be trapped for another twelve years between a tree (Act 1, Line 349-351). Prospero has power over Caliban. Caliban's mother, Sycorax, worshiped a god named Setebos. Caliban told himself that he must obey Prospero's orders because Prospero has stronger magical powers than his mother, Sycorax and even more magical powers than the god that his mother worshiped, Setebos (Act 1, Lines 449-45). Prospero's magical powers are what threaten Caliban. For Caliban, for someone to have more magical powers than his evil mother then it that person must be powerful. This person being Prospero, who has threatening power.

  125. Thanks for helping me with that Semir. :)

  126. Is Shakespeare commenting on native people with the characters, Sycorax
    and Caliban? Is it positive or negative?
    What underlying message does Shakespeare convey about imperialism/natives?

    Shakespear conveys a negative message about natives through the characters Caliban and Sycorax. He also uses these characters to express imperialistic ideas. Sycorax is a witch of many evil deeds. She caused havoc throughout her life. Caliban, her son, lived peacefully in the island until Prospero and Miranda showed up. Caliban tried to rape Miranda. Prospero then locked him up in a cave and made Caliban his slave. Caliban and Sycorax represent natives. Sycorax shows how natives were not worthy because she is an evil witch. Sycorax is a character who has done many bad deeds. Also the fact that Prospero enslaves Caliban expresses imperialism. Prospero came to Calibans land and took over just as Europeans took over the natives land. Also Prospero treated Caliban very poorly. When the Europeans took over they were not nice to the natives.

  127. Guys! Keep in mind the theme of power.
    I'm beginning to see that Prospero is abusing the power he has. As our history teachers have probably said to us before, those in great power become corrupt.
    Prospero seems to agree with this.

    I like Prospero.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. -Semir
    I believe that Prospero can summon other spirits as well because in the beginning of the book, it said that Prospero studied and read may books. Prospero went on exile because he was learned about magic. During that time period I believe that those who knows magic is considered as a wizard, witch, etc. Those people would be hated because they're "evil"

  130. Laura

    I was also thinking about why Prospero wants Miranda and Ferdinand to fall in love. If Ferdinand's father, the King of Naples, is basically Prospero's enemy, why would he want his son falling in love with his daughter? I thought this was pretty odd because why would Prospero want his enemy's son falling in love with his daughter, whom the King of Naples made Prospero worry about.

    Remember when Ms. Karvunis said tha he had everything planned out? Well, he probably planned out revenge that way. He probably wants to get closer to them like a snake ad then attack when he is close enough.

  131. John Huang

    Answering Shelly's Question:
    Is Ariel being let free?

    Yes, Ariel is going to be let free in two days according to line 355. If Ariel continue to obey his command for two more days, he will not enslave Ariel for another year and shorten it to two days.

  132. Shelly-

    Though it is true that Miranda asks Prospero to stop him from hurting the noblemen, this was after the tempest.

    Where does it say that Miranda "asks" Prospero to stop him from hurting the noble? Does that line have a question mark?

  133. Jia Wen--
    I am a bit confused about whether Caliban is a summoned spirit of Sycorax and why is he a slave of Prospero.

    Caliban is Sycorax's son (Act 1 Line 337).
    Prospero has more power and most importantly, magic.
    Also, according to Prospero, He saved Caliban's life.

  134. Jia wen cao says,

    "I am a bit confused about whether Caliban is a summoned spirit of Sycorax and why is he a slave of Prospero."

    Caliban is the son of Sycorax. caliban says " This island is mine by Sycorax,
    my mother," (1,2. 396).

  135. -Semir
    i like that idea of how Prospero will come closer and attack like a snake, that plan sounds so peaceful because it sounds like Prospero wants to make peace but it's so evil how someone would use another person to seek revenge!

  136. Parandis (Amy) Nejati

    How did Sycorax become the way she is? [What event in her life made her a haggard witch?]

    Shakespeare doesn't exactly state why she act the way she does. Prospero started off his tale about Sycorax and Ariel wit the fact that she is a blue eyed hag.

  137. -vanbiet and Jia wen Cao
    I dont think Caliban is a spirit because Sycorax was a human, a witch and she had a baby boy who was Caliban, and she gave birth to him making him human. So he's not a spirit of Sycorax ( act 1 scene page 33)

  138. Where does it say that Miranda "asks" Prospero to stop him from hurting the noble? Does that line have a question mark?

    Using the same line as Winnie did.

    Not all questions need a question mark. If you want to be technical, fine.

    Miranda gets depressed because she seems the noblemen suffer. She bursts out like this in the beginning of the Act 1 Scene 2 to tell her father that these men are suffering. O she suffered after seeing this! She expects her father to stop.
    But as I said, there is no point because Miranda never commanded Prospero to stop suffering the noblemen. Prospero did it in his mind, with no help.

  139. Ah, I worded my question wrong; but thanks anyways! I am thinking that Prospero might represent imperialism in ways. He does have a lot of power and quite amount of people are either slaves or followers below him. Since imperialism Is strong taking over the weak. If this was already posted I'm sorry; I haven't search through all the posts.

  140. Vanbeit,

    Caliban is a slave of Prospero because he tried to rape Miranda. Prospero, being a father, imprisons him. Also Caliban follows Prospero's orders out of fear. Caliban knows how powerful Prospero is due to his magic.

  141. 1. Why does Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel?
    Prospero has power over Caliban and Ariel because Prospero has dismissed torment from the lives of both men(Act1 Sc1 Line 344). He clearly has eliminated despair feeling for both Caliban and Ariel from the witch thus gaining authority and power of the two. Basically, Ariel and Caliban have been given the name slave to represent the little amount of power they have over Prospero(Act1 Sc2 Line 377).

    2. Discuss the change in Miranda regarding Caliban. What is the cause?
    At first, Miranda had somewhat sympathy for Caliban and took the time to teach him of her culture and language(Act1 Sc1 Line 424-425). Yet as we later read, Caliban took advantage of Miranda and the privileges he had received, creating a feeling of disgust and disappointment. The reader gets the sense that Miranda no longer wants to associate herself with thee(Caliban). The cause lead to a curse, Caliban struck on both Miranda and her father(Act1 Sc2 Line435).

    3.Is Shakespeare commenting on native people with the characters, Sycorax
    and Caliban? Is it positive or negative?
    By describing the witch with derogatory diction and illustrating the negative she has shown through magic and sorcery, the reader gets a sense that Shakespeare is referencing to the native people. Caliban, too, has provoked a sense of negativity towards the readers. After learning the language of Miranda, he takes advantage of her, raping her(Act 1 Sc2 Line 430). Clearly, Shakespeare has allowed the reader to evoke the sense that Caliban is a “bad man” for a reason. Thus, he has commented on native people in a negative matter.

    4. What underlying message does Shakespeare convey about imperialism/natives?
    The underlying message Shakespeare conveys about imperialism/ natives is that power has been gained by an individual to overthrown another. Basically, imperialism provokes the way of authority and power within a society. Readers have been shown this concept through the characteristics of Prospero. Prospero has shown to overthrow his power and conquer those “below him”, so to speak. For example, as we read in Act 1 Sc 2, the audience learns that Prospero has dismissed torment from the life of Ariel hence Prospero has shown to gain power over Ariel(slave).

  142. Semir and Laura-
    I think Prospero wants Miranda and Ferdinand to fall in love so that he can get an inside view of Alonso. Prospero seems like the type to hold a grudge, and with a good reason, considering he was exiled and forced to live on an island with his daughter. Prospero most likely wants Miranda to get involved with Ferdinand so they she can report to him just as Ariel does.

  143. Plot:
    Why does Prospero want Ariel to disguise as a sea nymph, what is the significance of that?

  144. Sarah Weiss: The first part to you question is that Prospero is like a mastermind, he had this whole entire plan in his head and by Ariel disguise as a nymph is also part of his plan.

  145. To Parandis (Amy) Nejati's question:
    How did Sycorax become the way she is? [What event in her life made her a haggard witch?]

    I think Shakespear had made Sycorax the way she is as an insult to the natives. As we all know, this book could be connected to imperialism. Having Sycorax this way can be connected to imperialism as an insult to the native in the Africa.

    Plot: Where is Algiers?
    Algiers is in the north of Africa.

  146. Ken-
    ah that makes sense!
    but why a sea nymph? is that a representation of something or did Shakespear pick that randomly?

  147. Shelly:

    I agree with you about Miranda not commanding Prospero. So Prospero has power over Miranda? no?

  148. I've always believed Prospero has the most power on the island.

  149. -Sarah

    I doubt Shakespeare picked sea nymph randomly; if I'm not wrong, I remember Ms. Karvunis saying everything Shakespeare uses is for a purpose for his story is solid and theres a reason to everything.

  150. Sarah--
    Ariel isn't specific sea nymth. He's a spirit. Not only that, but he's a male. Nymths are female. He only disguised himself as a sea nymth under Prospero's command.

  151. Jared Elraheb

    Plot: Why does Prospero need Caliban to serve him?

    Language: What does the word diligence mean?

    So Prospero has power over Miranda? no?- Shelly
    Answering to what Shelly asked Julio, I would have to say that Prospero does have power over Miranda. Not only is Prospero the father of Miranda, he also loves and cares for her as he calls her an angel on page 23. Prospero is a powerful man, but I would see him as harmless to anyone even though he created a storm and threatened Caliban. Therefore, Prospero does have power over Miranda, the daughter he dearly loves and protects.

  152. Jared:

    Why does Prospero need Caliban to serve him?

    Prospero probably just uses him simply because he is lazy. That or Shakespeare is trying to convey of imperialism (colonialism in his time). Remembering that Caliban is from Africa "The evil/dark land". He is showing how the idea of imperialism (colonialism) is.

  153. Kevin Zevallos

    Language: What does the word diligence mean?
    Diligence is when you have a long lasting determination to finish a job or task you have.

  154. Plot: When Caliban talks aside to himself, is Shakespeare foreshadowing that Caliban will soon escape the grips of Prospero and try to fight back because Prospero made him a slave? Caliban states that Prospero has too much power and he must obey him(For now). Is this a foreshadow leading onto revenge for Caliban because Prospero fended off his mother and made him a slave?

  155. 1) Prospero uses his power to enslave Areil and Caliban and they are Prospero's slaves because Prospero saved the from being turtured.
    2) Miranda hate Caliban for what he did to her. Miranda used to teach Calidan how to talk but Caliban tried to rape Miranda. When Prospero found out about this he forced Caliban to live in a cave, enslave him, toture him when he don't listen to Prospero.
    3) Shakespeare make Calibans mother from Africa where evil stems from that what everyone believed at the time. Since Caliban's mother was evil then Caliban is evil. Caliban is evil so Prospero make Caliban his slave. Now Caliban is Prospero's slave because his mother was evil making it negative for Caliban but psoitve for prospero.

  156. Jared Elraheb

    Jeffery- Is this a foreshadow leading onto revenge for Caliban because Prospero fended off his mother and made him a slave?
    This may lead to the revenge of Caliban or even foreshadow what he may do for the rest of his life. Caliban could be waiting for a time to strike back or maybe he fears Prospero therefore he would take no action against him. It is now unclear what may happen between Prospero and Caliban, but revenge is definitely a possibility.

  157. Jeffrey--Caliban doesn't like Prospero so he is probably going to do what Porspero did and become a wizard. Prospero became a wizard be readibg his books so Caliban is doing to do the samething and enslave Propero his slave and Mirand his wife.

  158. Vicky Zheng

    What does "Hagseed" mean?
    (line 440)

    Caliban "I must eat my dinner.
    This island's mine, by Sycorax my mother,
    Which thou takest from me. When thou camest first,
    Thou strokedst me and madest much of me, wouldst give me
    Water with berries in't, and teach me how
    To name the bigger light, and how the less,
    That burn by day and night: and then I loved thee
    And show'd thee all the qualities o' the isle,
    The fresh springs, brine-pits, barren place and fertile:
    Cursed be I that did so! All the charms
    Of Sycorax, toads, beetles, bats, light on you!
    For I am all the subjects that you have,
    Which first was mine own king: and here you sty me
    In this hard rock, whiles you do keep from me
    The rest o' the island."
    If Caliban treated Prospero and Ariel so kindly, why did they make Caliban a slave and make him live in a cave? Is it just because he's Sycorax's son?

  159. Jeffrey and Jared-- Most likely Caliban will get his revenge. Remember a few days ago Mrs.Karvunis said that when you move the letters around in Caliban it spells canibal. Canibals ae bad so mostly likely Caliban will take revange and kill Prospero making him evil.

  160. Vicky--Caliban tryed to rape Maranda so he enslaved him, totured him, and made himlive in a cave. I has a little to do with him being Sycorax's son because him mother was evil make the son evil.

  161. Why is there a Question about imperialism if imperialism wasn't happening yet?

  162. Jaafar- I am not sure, but it is colonialism not imperialism.

  163. In power I think that Prospero would be on top because he is a wizard and has the power to control people. I would say that Prospero is Under Miranda but he is her father so he is higher then her.
    Miranda would be next because she is the daughter of a Duke(Propero) and she can influense her father.
    I know that Ariel and Caliban would be on the bottom because they are both slaves of Prospero. I think that Areil is high because he is going to get his freedom wher Caliban is Prospero's slave forever.
    Can so one help clear that up for me?

  164. Prospero has power over Caliban and Ariel. Caliban’s mother Sycorax locked up Ariel in a hollow pine tree and left him there for twelve years, until Prospero came and saved Ariel with his magic (Shakespear 33). Caliban’s mother use to worship the god, Setebos. Caliban obeys Prospero because he was afraid of Prospero’s magic power since it was as powerful as Setebos, the god’s power (Shakespear 39).
    Miranda’s change regarding to Caliban is caused by Prospero. Everything Prospero tells Miranda, she would listen to him without objecting. Miranda trusts every word the Prospero says.

  165. Okay, so here's the thing. I know way earlier in the blog they've tried to figure out why Prospero would want Ariel to appear as a nymph and that it was soe sort of decoy or something. That didn't exactly answer my question though.
    I wanted to know why he wanted Ariel to be a sea nymph, but I also wanted to know about sea nymhps. Of course it's some sort of fairy or something, but that's not exactly what I mean.
    What is the significnce of the sea nymph back in Shakespeare's time? Was it part of the mythology at that time? Was there a specific reason that Prospero wanted him to be a sea nymph, or was it just in reaction to te fact that the ship sunk?

  166. If it is colonialism Ken then to answer Mrs.karvunis's question I have no idea how colonialism is related to THE TEMPEST.

  167. Jaafar - I think we're gonna have to continue reading on to know if Ariel's rank is higher or not. We're not sure if the Prospero is really going to free him or not, he might be lying.

  168. This comment has been removed by the author.

  169. Colonialism=Imperialism

    They are the same ideas, enslave the natives and take over the land.

  170. Brandon-- I thought that a sea nymph was like a ocean monster or something like that and Prospero wanted Ariel to sink ship.
    I don't know that is what I was thinking of when i was reading the book.

  171. Jaafer Hamdan.

    There is imperialism going on on a way. If you read carefully, Caliban says that the island belonged to his mother, and that it should rightfully be his. Caliban also showed Prospero around the island like fresh springs and brine pits. Now Prospero has enslaved Caliban and claims he is the owner of the island.

  172. Ms. Karvunis mentioned Colonialism in class today

  173. This comment has been removed by the author.

  174. This comment has been removed by the author.

  175. Did Shakespeare write this during the time of Eupore colonizing America?
    If so woudn't that mean there were slaves from Africa in America andthat means the Africas were not as equal to anyone.
    So because Caliban's mother is African so that mean Calidan is African and that is why Caliban is Prospero's slave.

    I take back Hwat I said before to answer this quetion.

  176. Kevin Zevallos

    What does "bermoothes" mean?
    what does 'prithee" mean?

    I thank you in advance.

  177. How did sycorax die and why wouldnt the Algiers kill her when they banished her?

  178. I take back what I said before to answer this quetion.

  179. David-- Like Mrs.Karvunis said in class that is a Question that can't be ansered

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  181. I think that Areil was supposed to turn into a sea nymph for something late in the book not because of his visit to Caliban.

  182. Kevin Z

    What does "bermoothes" mean?
    Berthmoothes is another word for Berrmudas (Shakespeare 28).

    What does 'prithee" mean?
    Prithee is another way of saying please. It is short for “pray thee”

    Prospero saved Ariel. He saved Ariel from Sycorax. Ariel was her slave. Sycorax used magic and forced Ariel to stay in a pine tree. He was stuck there for “twelve winters” which was twelve years. Prospero used magic and saved Ariel from being tortured there any longer. I think Ariel doesn’t refuse to help Prospero because Prospero saved him. He’s probably doing all his requests for what Prospero has done for him.

  183. why would Caliban suddenly change as in his description when he was one among Prospero and his daughter with love and compassion, to try to take advantage of Miranda?

  184. This comment has been removed by the author.

  185. David--Caliban is bad that why the letters of his name spell Canibal.

    P.S. Does any one know when the extra credit is due.

  186. Why does Prospero have power over Caliban and Ariel?

    Prospero is able to have power of Ariel because he would remind him of what Prospero has done in order to free him. Prospero freed him from the witch Sycorax, which was Ariel's previous master Ariel must feel that he has to repay Prospero for what he has done for him, but I think he is a bit silly because now he is in the same position as he was before, just with a different master. Prospero also has power over Caliban because he made him his slave, and he must do what Prospero demands.

    Discuss the change in Miranda regarding Caliban. What is the cause?

    Miranda changed from the attitude that Caliban has towards them. He really dislikes Prospero for having enslaved him, and he finds it unjust that Prospero took what wasn't his. What made Miranda so sad was that Caliban was using the language that she taught him to curse and offend them. It is also possible that Miranda wasn't even fully aware that Caliban wanted to violate her, which probably shocked her and caused her anger towards Caliban.

    Is Shakespeare commenting on native people with the characters, Sycorax
    and Caliban? Is it positive or negative?
    I believe that Shakespear isn't showing Sycorax and Caliban in a positive way. He describes them as poisonous, wicked, and foul. He also speaks of what Sycorax has done, and was banished due to terrible sorceries and mischeifs. He describes the natives of the island as if they were terrible. Shakespear possibley thinks of that natives have an odd and different way of living and that imperialists should take control over them!

  187. Nevermind.
    David - Caliban probably changed among Prospero because Prospero probably wasn't like this before until he was trying seeking for his revenge. Revenge probably made Prospero become like this.

  188. Jaafar - I think the extra credit is due tomorrow, not sure though. Just do it today for incase?

  189. To help make the Wilson's answer to his first question clearer Prospero made Caliban his slave because Caliban tired to rape Miranda.

    Wilson--Didn't Maranda always hat Caliban?

  190. Brandon-
    I believe that the nymph was to gain a sense of feminimity from Ariel. Perhaps as an insult? Or maybe because men had more rule over women and this would make Ariel not want to speak up agian about his freedom from Prospero. The significance of they nymph being a hydriad (water nymph) is probably because of the island and the fact that Prospero does not want those he captured to leave quite yet.

  191. Plot:
    What is Prospero going to make Ariel do in the next two days?

    Who would have greater power Prospero or

    Sycorax ?

    "No, pray thee.
    (aside) I must obey. His art is of such

    It would control my dam’s god, Setebos,
    And make a vassal of him."
    (Act 1 Scene 2 Line 448-450).

    Caliban says that Prospero is so powerful,

    he can control and enslave the god Setebo,

    who his mother used to worship.

    In line 359, why does Prospero tell Ariel

    to turn into a sea nymph?

    It is probably because Prospero wants

    Ariel to do something for him. Ferdinand

    is still on the island, and we don't know

    Prospero's plan for him yet.
    john cruz, Maurreen; Prospero told Ariel

    to be invisible, so I don't think it was

    for insurance or to hide him, becuase he

    could have just stayed invisible.

    Maureen: Why can Ariel be only seen by

    Prospero? Is it because Prospero doesn't

    want them to find out, or that he

    physically can't be seen by anyone else?

    I think that Ariel can control who sees

    him and who doesnt. If he wanted to, Ariel

    could be visisble to everyone, or

    invisible to everyone, even Prospero.

  192. Jaafer Hamdan

    I'm not sure if she always hated him but she has always pitied him and taught him her own language so I don't think so.I think this is possibly the first time that Caliban has acting this way in Miranda's presence.
