Saturday, February 13, 2010

Gonzalo's Blog Answers

As per your request, I have set up six different blog entries for you to post your comments about your research and then your comments about others' research under your character's very own blog entry.

A. Answer these questions in the first posting:
1. How do the indirect and direct characterization differ?
2. How would you choose to perform your character after looking at both types of
his characterization?


B. Comment on other people's answers.


  1. 1. How do the indirect and direct characterization differ?

    The indirect and direct characterization differ because of how Gonzalo is portrayed in the book. Direct characterization occurs when the author tells us what the character believes about himself. Indirect characterization is when the author uses a character to reveal information on thoughts or actions based on how the character views the other character. I notice that indirect and direct make Gonzalo seem very different in the book. On example is that Gonzalo is always thinking in the positive and always trying to look at the Brightside “Beseech you sir, be merry” (Act 2. Sc. 1, Line 1). An indirect example would be how Sebastian and Antonio view Gonzalo and they think of him as a “A dollar” (Act 2. SC.1, Line 20), which means pain.

    2. How would you choose to perform your character after looking at both types of
    his characterization?

    If I were to perform Gonzalo based on indirect I would make him seem like he is very old noble who likes to complain “ By’ r lakin, I can go no further, sir” ( Act 3. Sc.3, Line1). I would also perform Gonzalo as a kiss up for cheering up the King Alonso, is what Sebastian and Antonio would say “ The visitor will not give him o’er so” (Act 2. Sc.1, Line 13). Sebastian likes to make fun of Gonzalo a lot like calling him an “ The old cock” (Act 2. Sc.1, Line 32). Sebastian thinks that he is a great pain (Act 2. Sc. 1, Line 20). Gonzalo would be the old guy who babbles nonsense As this Gonzalo. “I myself could make” (Act 2. Sc 1, Line 284-295). As for Prospero he thinks of Gonzalo as a goodhearted person “By Providence divine…A noble Neapolitan…Out of his charity, being then appointed” (Act1. Sc 2, Line 190-200). Gonzalo would be performed more negatively then Prospero would say he is.

    If I were to perform Gonzalo based on direct I would make seem that he is an old noble, but very honest and charitable. I say this because Gonzalo helped Prospero and Miranda escape and moved to the island after what Antonio did to Prospero. Prospero would say that Gonzalo is a “providence divine” (Act 1. Sc. 2, Line 190), and that he is like a god. Gonzalo is always being positive like when Alonso was in the search for looking for his son Ferdinand, Gonzalo was cheering him up and telling him “Beseech you, sir, be merry” (Act 2. Sc.1, Line 1). Gonzalo thinks of himself that he is perfect and would do a better job then everyone “I would with such perfection govern sir…” (Act 2. Sc.1, Line 184). Gonzalo is does not really care of what Antonio and Sebastian think of him and go along with their jokes “ Who in this kind of merry fooling am nothing to you. So you may con continue, and laugh at nothing still” (Act 2. Sc.1, Line 194-196).And he thinks no one has nothing against him “I will not adventure my discretion so weakly” (Act 2. Sc.1, Line 204).

  2. 1. Indirect and direct characterization differs because each gives a different view about a character. In indirect characterization, it shows more about how others view the character. In The Tempest, by Shakespeare, the character Gonzalo is viewed both as loyal and useless. Different characters in this book had different views on Gonzalo. Prospero viewed Gonzalo as his “true preserver and a loyal sir” (Act 5 Scene 1 Line 74). When Prospero was in need, Gonzalo gave Prospero “some food and fresh water” (Act 1 Scene 2 Lines 187-188). To Prospero, Gonzalo was a “honourable man” (Act 5 Scene 1 Line 67). To Antonio, Gonzalo is the total opposite. As Gonzalo talks to encourage people, Gonzalo is interrupted by Antonio. Antonio says, “Fie, what a spendthrift is he of his tongue” (Act 2 Scene 1 Line 26). This meant Antonio thought all Gonzalo does was talk on and on. In direct characterization, it is more about learning the character by how he views himself. Gonzalo is often caught with saying concerning and comforting words. For example, Gonzalo would be saying “Nay, good, be patient” (Act 1 Scene 1 Line 15).
    2. After looking at both types of Gonzalo’s characterization, I feel in order to perform Gonzalo, it is best to show his concerning and loyal side. In indirect characterization, Gonzalo was viewed badly and good. In direct characterization, it was in his good side. To encourage the king, Gonzalo says, “Then wisely, good sir, weigh our sorrow with our comfort” (Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 8-9). Gonzalo also had a good attitude towards what he would do if he was in control. Gonzalo wishes for “nature should bring forth of its own kind of foison, all abundance, to feed my innocent people” (Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 178-180). Gonzalo should be a good person who cares for others a lot.

  3. Tyiana- Gonzalo thinks of himself that he is perfect and would do a better job then everyone “I would with such perfection govern sir…” (Act 2. Sc.1, Line 184).

    Winnie's comment to Tyiana's answer-
    I believe what Gonzalo says here does not necessarily mean that he does a better job than everyone. I think Gonzalo feels his plan of taking control is good and he wants it to sound convincing. I feel Gonzalo just wants to be loyal because in his plan, he wanted "to feed his innocent people" (Act 2 Scene 1 Lines 178-180).

  4. 1. How do the indirect and direct characterization differ?
    Direct and Indirect characterization differ because both depend on how the character is viewed and how the character thinks. Direct Characterization is how a character is portrayed through his thoughts and his actions. Gonzalo is a patient and compassionate old man. He tries to give Alonso hope and a sense of security so that he can keep on going. He says " faith sir " (Act 3 Scene 3 lines 57-69) or " Heavens keep him from these beasts" ( Act 2 Scene 1 line 373). Yet Gonzalo has a dark side for those that get on his nerves like Antonio or Sebastian. He says " Who in this kind of merry fooling am nothing to you. So you may continue and laugh at nothing still" (Act 2 Scene 1 line 194-196).Gonzalo talks about the ignorance in their laughter. This is how the author decides to portray Gonzalo. Indirect Characterization is when another character describes Gonzalo in his opinion or in the way that he sees him. These thoughts usually come from what Gonzalo has done (his actions).Sebastian calls Gonzalo " a dollar " (Act 2 Scene 1 line 20) for consoling the king in his time of grief. Sebastian and Antonio think that Gonzalo's voice is annoying because they thinks that he is talking too much. Prospero thinks that Gonzalo is a " noble Neapolitan" ( Act 1 Scene 2 line 192) because he gave him some food and water when he was kicked out of Milan. The characters have different opinions on Gonzalo from the actions that he makes towards them or towards others.
    2. How would you choose to perform your character after looking at both types of
    his characterization?
    I will go with the Direct Characterization. Direct Characterization shows the true Gonzalo. The Indirect shows how others see Gonzalo. I will act as an innocent old man who tries to console the people he cares about. I'll be persistent to those who I care about and I'll try to be witty to those who get me pissed. This will show my noble side and my "dollar" side.

  5. Winnie: "Gonzalo should be a good person who cares for others a lot"
    Shadey's comment to Winnie's answer:
    I think that you are right, but I think that you should show his smart side so that Gonzalo won't look naive. He always managed to have a smart comeback whenever Antonio and Sebastian messed with him.

  6. Tyiana’s comment to Winnie:

    Winnie I agree with you when you say that “Gonzalo is viewed both as loyal and useless,” because of how he is viewed from Prospero point of view and Antonio and Sebastian point of view. Gonzalo helped Prospero a lot and was loyal to him, but Antonio and Sebastian thought that he was just a kiss up to Alonso and useless.

  7. Tyiana’s comment to Shadeyrack:

    Shadeyrack you have a good point when you say that Gonzalo has a “dark side.” Gonzalo doesn’t have no tolerance for any ignorance when he says that " Who in this kind of merry fooling am nothing to you. So you may continue and laugh at nothing still" (Act 2 Scene 1 line 194-196). I think that Sebastian and Antonio thought that Gonzalo was laughing with them but he was actually laughing at them.

  8. Danny Perez
    1. How do the indirect and direct characterizations differ?
    As seen in the text I noticed a lot of differences in both direct and indirect. What I noticed about Gonzalo in the direct side of the assignment that he is very respectful when he talks to the other men that are with him. “Beseech you, sir, be merry. You have cause-so much we all-of joy, for our joy, for our escape is much beyond our loss. Our hint of woe is commons everyday some sailor’s wife… (Page 53). As seen here is very grateful for surviving and he is also very respectful. He is also very optimistic because even though that he and along the others survived, he looks at the good side of things; “here is everything advantageous to life” (Page 55). I also noticed when talking about many topics he tends to just got to another topic like this one: “How lush and lusty the grass looks! How green (Page 55). He was talking about the island, and before that about other things. In the indirect part of the assignment is that some people do respect him a lot. Like Antonio who says “Long live Gonzalo” (Act 2 Sc.1 Line 175) but at the same time it is mocking him. Then Prospero does also respect Gonzalo for his help and support when Prospero needed it: “By providence divine. Some food me had some fresh water that a noble Neapolitan Gonzalo, but of his charity, being than appointed master of this design… I prize above my dukedom”(Act 1 sc.2 Line 186-195). I also noticed that Antonio seems to ask for things and Gonzalo gives it to him: “Draw together and when I rear my hand do you the like to fall in on Gonzalo” (Act 2 sc.1 Line 326). There are a lot of differences in direct and indirect because direct talks about him, it is just showing how he is in reality, but in indirect it is different. It is what people think of the character.

  9. 1) How is direct and indirect characterization differ?

    Direct characterization is when a reader is being told about the character from the text in the reading. In short, direct characterization is when a character's own words and actions describes himself/herself. One example of a direct characterization will be when Gonzalo said himself being old by saying, "my old bone aches" (Act3 scene3 line2). Gonzalo had described himself as being old, which shows an example of direct characterization. Indirect characterization would be the thoughts and words of other characters that describe a person. In short, it's similar as the opinion of another character. One example of indirect characterization would be when Prospero described Gonzalo being "noble and honorable" (Act5scene1 line134-135). Prospero action would be when he said "let me embrace thine age". It could be that Prospero's action express is praise for Gonzalo's loyalty.

  10. 2. How would you choose to perform your character after looking at both types of
    his characterization?
    How I would perform this character by the direct side is that I seem very optimistic. I would also change into many different topics because that is what he has done so far like when talks about the clothes and then Widow Dido and other stuff “That are garments being as they were drenched in the sea hold not with tending their freshness…” (57).
    “Not since Widow Dido’s time” (57). I also have to put some persuasion like this: “How lusty and lusty the grass looks, how green”(Page 55). Then I got to act like a “know it all” and a suck up like the way he acts like this: “it is foul weather in us all, good sir, when you are cloudy” (Page 61). Or even like this: “no I warrant you I will not adventure my discretion so meekly. Will you laugh me asleep? For I am very heavy” (65). Then I got to act really old but not those old type of people who are grumpy but get tired easily: “By ‘rlackin I can’t go not further, sir. My old bones ache. Heres a maze trod indeed though for thighs’ and meander by your patience, I need must rest me” (109). As for the indirect side on how I should I perform this character I got to be a respected and helpful man but at the same time be too conceded with my wishes that many don’t approve like when Antonio says to Gonzalo: “Long live Gonzalo” (Act 2 sc. 1 line 175).

  11. Tyiana’s comment to Winnie:
    I can understand that Gonzalo is helpful to the people like Prospeso but how is he useless, just becasue he gets tired very easily?

  12. Hey Sally can you explain more about what Gonzalo says and does and what others say about him? Cause we have to use 4-5 text evidence.

  13. Tyaina: Gonzalo thinks of himself that he is perfect and would do a better job then everyone “I would with such perfection govern sir…” (Act 2. Sc.1, Line 184).

    I don't really agree with you 100% becasue I don't think that Gonzalo thinks that he is perfect. That is wish that this land should be perfect. It never said that he wants to be perfect.

  14. Shadey and Tyiana: I see that Gonzalo has a dark side but how can we perform it in class. Can we act as an innocent old man who gets tried but at the same time laugh evil or insluts some people. Who believes that Gonzalo should be acted nice but be dark when others inslut him. I noticed that he has a dark side when others mock him and don't agree with him.

  15. 2) How would you choose to perform after looking both types of characterization?

    After looking at both types of characterization, I realized that Gonzalo was not all that a perfect man. He does have a "dark" side of his personality that he does not noticed yet. If I was to perform this character, I would make this character to be a old, loyal man in the outside who have a little ambition in is heart. When Gonzalo have express his desire to "had I plantation of the isle", he had just directly express his inner most ambition (Act2 scene1 line157). Sebastian have said, "he be king on 't" (Act2 scene1 line172). Another example that he have a darker side in his personality would be when he kept reminding the Boatswaine "to is hanging" during the tempest (Act1 scene1 line30). Although he have a little dark side, it was true that he's loyal to his king and have tried to sooth him of his pain a dozen of times (Act2 scene1 Line1-10). Another characteristic that I found about Gonzalo directly would be that he have good "discretion" (Act 2 scene1 line 205). If I were to perform this character, I would portray him to be a noble and honorable councillor with a little dark ambition.

  16. Shadey: Do you think that Sebastian and Antonio are jealous that Gonzalo is so close to the king?

  17. Did any one noticed the fact the Gonzalo who have alway desired to govern the island, said "heavely power guide us out of this fearful country?" (act 5 scene 1 line115)? Did anyone finds it ironic?

  18. Yea I have it is but rememeber Sally that it is all Prospero plan.

  19. 1. How do the indirect and direct characterization differ?

    The indirect and direct characterization differ. We can see this by looking at Gonzalo. He portrays himself as high and mighty. When he shows that he is not. "Remember whom thou hast aboard." (Act 1 SC1 Line 19). Gonzalo is saying since he is with the king he has authority, and the boatswain should respect him. When the boat was in the middle of the storm, Gonzalo was grateful that the boatswain managed to handle the storm. "I warrant him for drowning" (Act 1 Sc 1 Line 47). So in the end Gonzalo was actually happy. We see this again when Gonzalo is talking to the king, then talks to Antonio and Sebastian. He talks to the king respectfully but disrespects Antonio and Sebastian. Had I plantation of this isle (Act 2 SC. 2 Line 157). He is cheering up the king. At the same time Antonio, and Sebastian are making fun of him. Gonzalo disrespects them. Then they respond to him by saying "To fall on it Gonzalo" (Act 2 Sc2 Line 182). This is how indirect and direct characterization differs.

    2. How would you choose to perform your character after looking at both types of his characterization?

    In the direct characterization I would perform Gonzalo as noble and kind. When Alonso lost his son I would perform him as a caring friend. So to get this off his mind I would change the subject. I would say "Had I plantation of this isle" (Act 2 SC. 2 Line 157). While being kind I would show how noble I would make my kingdom. In indirect characterization, I would perform Gonzalo as quivering fool. When he is on the ship he relies on the boatswain to protect them. "I warrant him for drowning" (Act 1 Sc 1 Line 47). The way Antonio and Sebastian describe Gonzalo he would be a fool. "Long live Gonzalo" (Act 2 Sc 1 Line 186). This is how I would act out the role of Gonzalo in direct and indirect characterization.

  20. Danny I dont think they are jealous I just think they want his power.

  21. 1. Indirect and direct characterization differ in that direct characterization is self-indentification by the character/his actions himself and the indirect kind is when other characters describe his identity/character. For example, while with Gonzalo's own words, it is revealed what his opinions of an ideal world are like and that he is a joker. Others have varying opinions of him, as Prospero thinks of him highly while Antonio and Sebastian think he is one to not to be taken seriously. Gonzalo is also portrayed as somewhat of a kissup and brown-noser towards Alonso. "It is foul in us all, good sir, When you are cloudy." (Act 2, Scene 1, Lines 153-154) He seems to be somewhat of a laid back anarchist based on his statements regarding his ideal form of government, or lack there of. "I' the commonwealth I would by...No sovereignty;--" (Act 2, Scene 1, Lines 162-170) Antonio and Sebastian speak of Gonzalo, humoring him for having a sweet tongue. "Fie, what a spendthrift is he of tongue." (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 26) Gonzalo is taken lightly at the end of his speech about his ideal island. "'Twas you we laughed at." (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 193)
    2. If I were to perform Gonzalo's character, I would portray Gonzalo as a kind, old, and light-hearted man who does not have a very serious demeanor. "My old bones aches." (Act 3, Scene 3, Line 2) Gonzalo is described as being the more gentle of the kingsmen. "My lord Sebastian, The truth you speak doth lack some gentleness And time to speak it in: you rub the sore, When you should bring the plaster." (Act 2, Scene 1, Lines 147-150) He helps those in need, such as the time when he helped Prospero and Miranda by giving them food and clothing. He would be seen making stories and comforting the king. He would be paying attention to and talking about the simple and often overlooked aspects of life, but with peculiar opinions of his own about the world.

  22. To Tyiana:

    I agree that Gonzalo thinks Antonio and Sebastian laugh with him, when they are actually making fun of him and think he's a suckup.

  23. 1. Indirect and direct characterizations differ the way a character is being portrayed. Direct characterization is when the author reveals to us the way the character is and how he does by making that character the actions. In this case, it is Gonzalo. Indirect is the when another character is use to describe the way the character (Gonzalo) is. They are different because direct characterization shows a more direct point of view of Gonzalo coming straight from his thoughts and actions. For instance, when Gonzalo, Alonso, and the rest of the ship crew are stuck on the island in search for Ferdinand, Gonzalo tries to comfort and offers patience to the whole crew and especially Alonso the king. However, from indirect characterization point of views, other character believe that he is only saying this to get more money from the king because he was his counselor. They thought he comforted the king because he wanted to get more money. The believe he was a bad person, however, from Gonzalo's point of view it seems that he is just trying to help Alonso out and help him be optimistic about the situation (Act 1 Scene 1 Line 30-35).

    2. I would use direct characterization to act out Gonzalo. Direct characterization of Gonzalo would portray an old wise, honest, patient, comforting, optimistic, and friendly counselor to Alonso, the king. For instance, Gonzalo was very patient when in the beginning the crew was in the ship with the terrible storm. Gonzalo told everyone to try to stay calm. However, the boatswain told him that he is just a problem (Act 1 Scene 1 Lines 15-20). When in the island in search for Ferdinand, Gonzalo steps up and tries to comfort Alonso by telling him that everything on the island seems good and his clothes look newer than before (Act 2 Scene1 Line 108). After looking at both types of characterizations I would choose to perform direct characterization of Gonzalo.

  24. 1- Direct and indirect characterization are both ways to convey a character’s attributes. The difference between the two is that direct characterization “tells” the reader the character’s traits while indirect characterization “shows” them. When the writer makes a “direct” statement about a character, it is direct characterization. For example, Shakespeare describes Gonzalo as a “true preserver and loyal sir” (Act 5, Scene 1, Line 88). This is direct characterization because Shakespeare tells the reader the traits Gonzalo has. Indirect characterization portrays a character by showing the traits via the character’s words, thoughts and actions rather than stating them. An example of how Shakespeare uses indirect characterization to portray Gonzalo’s personality is when Prospero recalls how Gonzalo helped him. Gonzalo supplied Prospero and Miranda with “some food… and fresh water…rich garments, linens, stuffs and necessaries…” (Act 1, Scene 2, Line 191, 195). Shakespeare could have described Gonzalo directly as helpful or a “true preserver” but instead chose to show Gonzalo’s traits through his actions, making this portrayal indirect characterization.

  25. 2- I would perform Gonzalo indirectly because it allows the audience to feel for themselves and better understand Gonzalo through how he acts. If I tell the audience directly that Gonzalo is a certain way, people would not be able to relate to him. When Sebastian and Antonio call Gonzalo “a dollar” (Act 2, Sc 1, Line 20), the audience may or may not understand what that would mean. A better way to portray Gonzalo more clearly would be to show he is “a dollar” by including some actions. An example of this would be when Gonzalo is kissing up to the King, “It is foul weather in us all, good sir, when you are cloudy.” (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 53-54). This shows that Gonzalo is a pain, or dollar, because he kisses up to the King and tries to get into his good graces. Indirect characterization in this case shows the audience how they’re supposed to feel about Gonzalo though Antonio and Sebastian’s point of view. Another indirect characterization of Gonzalo would be when Gonzalo states “By ’r lakin, I can go no further, sir” ( Act 3, Scene 3, Line 1). This shows that Gonzalo is old and weak, without actually saying that he is. Gonzalo is later described indirectly as ambitious and loyal when he tells the group how he would govern the island if he were King. “I would with such perfection govern sir…” (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 183). “Nature should bring forth of its own kind of foison, all abundance, to feed my innocent people” (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 178-180). Gonzalo is also described indirectly when he says “Who in this kind of merry fooling am nothing to you. So you may continue, and laugh at nothing still.” (Act 2, Scene 1, Line 194-196). This quote shows that Gonzalo can stand up for himself and make fun of others. Indirect characterization can portray a character’s traits without being overly straightforward. Indirect characterization allows the audience to interpret the character’s actions and can relate to him while being informed of the character’s traits. This benefits both me and the audience because I get my point across and the character becomes personal, so it would be a more preferable way for me to perform Gonzalo.

  26. Richard, I don't think that Gonzalo sees himself as high and mighty. He means well and just wants the best for everyone. When he tells the boatswain to "Remember whom thou hast aboard." he was trying to get the boatswain to calm down. Gonzalo kept a positive attitude when talking to the King to make him feel better and even when he was being made fun of by Antonio and Sebastian. They were mocking him and all Gonzalo said back was keep laughing at me because apparently what I'm saying means nothing to you. He kept a positive attitude and did not get angry and anyone, even when he was disrespected.

    I agree with Tyiana and Winnie that Gonzalo is viewed as useless and a loyal fool to everyone but Prospero in the play. Antonio and Sebastian would always make fun of Gonzalo for being so positive and kissing up to the King. The boatswain also told Gonzalo that he was useless on the ship because all he was good for was helping the King; he was not capable of anything else.
