Saturday, February 13, 2010

Antonio Break Project Comments

As per your request, I have set up six different blog entries for you to post your comments about your research and then your comments about others' research under your character's very own blog entry.

A. Answer these questions in the first posting:
1. How do the indirect and direct characterization differ?
2. How would you choose to perform your character after looking at both types of
his characterization?


B. Comment on other people's answers.


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    1. PROSPERO: My brother and thy uncle, called Antonio.
    (pg. 17 line 84)

    2. PROSPERO: That a brother should be so perfidious!
    9pg. 17 line 85)

    3. PROSPERO: He whom next thyself of all the world I loved.
    (pg. 17 line 86)

    4. PROSEPERO: Thy false uncle.
    (pg. 17 line 95)

    5. PROSPERO: That now he was the ivy which had hid my princely trunk and sucked my verdure out on‘t.
    (pg. 18 line 104)

    6. PROSPERO: My false brother awakened an evil nature, and my trust, like a good parent, did beget of him a falsehood in its contrary as great as my trust was, which had indeed no limit, a confidence san bound.
    (pg. 19 line 112)

    7. PROSPERO: He being thus lorded, not only with what my revenue yielded but what my power might else extract, like one who, having into truth by telling it, made such a sinner of a memory to credit his own lie, he did believe was indeed the Duke, out o’ th’ substitution and executing th’ outward face of royalty with all prerogative.
    (pg. 19 line 117)

    8. PROSPERO: Hence, his ambition growing.
    (pg. 19 line 125)

    9. PROSPERO: He thinks of me now incapable.
    (pg. 20 line 132)


    1. SEBASTIAN: Why, art thou waking?
    (pg. 67 line 231)

    2. SEBASTIAN: I remember. You did supplant your brother Prospero.
    (pg. 71 line 310)

    3. ARIEL: You are three men of sin, whom Destiny that hath to instrument this lower world and what is in ’t, the never-surfeited sea hath caused to belch up you—and on this island where man doth not inhabit, you ’mongst men being most unfit to live. I have made you mad, and even with suchlike valor men hang and drown their proper selves. You fools, I and my fellows are ministers of fate. The elements of whom your swords are tempered may as well wound the loud winds or with bemocked-at stabs kill the still-closing waters as diminishone dowl that’s in my plume. My fellow ministersare like invulnerable. If you could hurt, your swords are now too massy for your strengths and will not be uplifted. But remember—for that’s my business to you—that you three from Milan did supplant good Prospero, exposed unto the sea, which hath requit it, him and his innocent child. For which foul deed the powers—delaying, not forgetting—have incensed the seas and shores, yea, all the creatures, against your peace.—Thee of thy son, Alonso, they have bereft, and do pronounce by me lingering perdition, worse than any death can be at once, shall step by step attend you and your ways; whose wraths to guard you from—which here, in this most desolate isle, else falls upon your heads—is nothing but hearts' sorrow and a clear life ensuing.
    (pg. 113 line 70)

    1.How do the indirect and direct characterization differ?

    Indirect and direct characterization differ, as they both possess different aspects of speech. Indirect characterization is when a character speaking to another character mentions another character not taking part in the conversation. For example, if Prospero is talking to Miranda and mentions Antonio, Prospero would be indirectly speaking about Antonio. Direct characterization is when a character speaks to another character and talks about the person they are speaking to. If Prospero was speaking to Antonio and talked about Antonio, then Prospero would be directly speaking about Antonio.

    2.How would you choose to perform your character after looking at both types of
    his characterization?

    I would perform my character as the perspectives of the others around him (indirectly). For I believe that it would be more interesting. Since we already performed our monologue from the first person perspective of our assigned character, I feel it would be fascinating to see how a performance would turn out if we were to act as the characters that perceive Antonio in their own way.

  3. Direct and indirect characterizations differ because indirect is when the way that others see a certain character. Direct would be how the character sees himself. Like when prospero said that Antonio was prefidious (Act 2 Scene 2 Line 85)- indirect. An example of direct would be when Antonio was talking to Sebastian. Sebastian tells Antonio "I remember you did supplant your brother prospero" (Act 2 Scene 1 line 310)
    2. I think it would be better to perform Antonio from the others point of view. the indirect view shows the impresion that Antonio leaves towards others. Antonio like any other character would say that they were a good person but the impressions they leave may say otherwise.

  4. 1. Indirect and Direct characterization differ. Indirect characterization is the view of a character from other people. Direct characterization is how the character sees himself and what he/she thinks of the person that they are. An example of indirect characterization is when Prospero says "He thinks of me now incapable" (Act 1 line 132). This is an example of indirect characterization because it is an outside opinion on a character. Another example is when Prospero said "...made such a sinner of a memory to credit his own lie...". This is an example of indirect characterization because it is an opinion from someone other than the character himself. An example of direct characterization is "Twelve year since, Miranda, twelve year since, Thy father was the Duke of Milan and a prince of power" (Act 1 line 53). This is an example of direct characterization because it is what the character thinks of himself. Another example is "I pray thee, mark me. I, thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated
    To closeness and the bettering of my mind With that which, but by being so retired, O'erprized all popular rate, in my false brother Awaked an evil nature. And my trust, Like a good parent, did beget of him A falsehood in its contrary as great As my trust was, which had indeed no limit, A confidence sans bound. He being thus lorded, Not only with what my revenue yielded But what my power might else exact, like one Who having into truth, by telling of it, Made such a sinner of his memory To credit his own lie—he did believe He was indeed the duke, out o' th' substitution And executing th' outward face of royalty,
    With all prerogative. Hence his ambition growing—Dost thou hear? (Act 1 line 88). This is an example of direct charcterization because Prospero is speaking about the situation from his point of view and he explains how he is feeling. Which shows how indirect and direct characterization differ because one is from the characters point of view and the other point of view is from the people around them.

    2. I would choose to perform my character Antonio from the point of view of others (indirectly). I think this is the best way to represent any character because you can see what other people think of them. If you explain your charcter fromt ehri own pont of view then it is going to be only good things because any person would think hghly of themself. By hearing the opinions of others you can develop an opinion based on all aspects of the character. Which shows why I would choose to represent my character using indirect characterization.

  5. Zury-
    We are supposed to use 4-5 examples in our post, but I see that you only used two. I suggest you edit that before break is over so that you don't get a low grade.

  6. Janet Ceron

    Indirect Characterization Examples

    1.Hang, cur! Hang, you whoreson insolent noisemaker! We are less afraid to be drowned than thou art.
    ( Act 1 Lines 40-47).

    2. Yes, we’ve been cheated out of our lives by a bunch of drunken, incompetent sailors. This bigmouth jerk here I hope you drown ten times over! ( Act 1, Lines 57-59).

    3. I am right glad that he's so out of hope. Do not for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved t' effect ( Act 3, Lines 13-15).

    4. Oh,if you but knew how you the purpose cherish whiles thus you mock it! How, in stripping it,you more invest it! Ebbing men indeed
    most often do so near the bottom run by their own fear or sloth ( Act 2, lines 252-257).

    Direct Characterization Examples

    1. My brother and thy uncle, called Antonio—I pray thee, mark me (that a brother should
    Be so perfidious!) ( Act 1, Lines 84-86).

    2. He thinks me now incapable, confederates—So dry he was for sway—wi' th' King of Naples
    To give him annual tribute, do him homage,subject his coronet to his crown and bend the dukedom yet unbowed—alas, poor Milan!—
    to most ignoble stooping (Act 1, Lines 133-137).

    3. And my trust,like a good parent, did beget of him
    a falsehood in its contrary as great as my trust was, which had indeed no limit,
    a confidence sans bound ( Act 1, Lines 114-117).

    4. To have no screen between this part he played and him he played it for, he needs will be
    absolute Milan ( Act 1, Lines 128-130).

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 1. Indirect and direct characterization differ. With indirect characterization, the reader has to analyze a character's role in a story. The reader analyzes the charachter's role by reading the given clues by the author. In indirect characterization the author gives off clues to the readers and allows us to analyze the character and their traits. In this case, the author of the story does not directly tell us how and what the character is like, but we do have to figure it out through the charachter's actions, words, and appearance etc. For example, in my third example under indirect characterization, Antonio tells Sebastian to not back away from their plan of killing King Alonso and Lord Gonzalo, so Sebastian can take Alonso's throne and Antonio can take Gonzalo's place. This is an example of indirect characterization, since the reader is given words from Antonio and we are not directly told what Antonio islike, but we do know that he is evil and sneaky with the help of this indirect quote. Unlike indirect characterization, in direct characterization the author tells us what the character is like. One way an author tells us what the character is like is with using adjectives describing the character.
    In this case, a reader does not have to use evidence from the character to analyze what the character is like. From example three under the direct examples, Prospero tells his daughter, Miranda that he trusted his brother, Antonio, yet Antonio was not trustworthy towards his brother. In this case, the author gives direct words to describe the character, Antonio. In indirect characterization, the author gives off clues from the character's actions in order for us to know what the character is like. In direct characterization, the author uses adjectives and direct words to describe what the character is like.

    2. I would choose to perform Antonio with indirect characterization. In indirect characterization, you can view Antonio from other character's perspective. Also, in indirect characterization, the reader is given clues and actions from the character that clearly help a reader know what the character is like with using their actions as our support. Indirect charactrization shows Antonio's actions whgic help the readers pick out what he is.

  9. James- Indirect characterization is helpful becuase we have evidence to support what the character is like.

  10. 1)Direct and indirect characterization is a major theme within the book "The Tempest". Since the role of power is so demanding amongst the characters, their view of themselves is quite different then how they are perceived by others. Direct characterization is a characters point of view of themselves as opposed to indirect characterization which is their peers opinions through the use of their actions and words.
    Antonio (Prospero's brother and duke of Milan) sees himself as a leader and believes he has the potential to get others to do his dirty work for him. When Alonso, Antonio, Sebastian, and Gonzalo arrive on the island, Antonio says to Gonzalo "Let it be tonight; for now they are oppressed with travel, they will not nor cannot use such vigilance as when they are fresh" (Act 3 Sc 3 Line 18-21). Antonio then addresses the crowd "What harmony is this? My good friends, hark." (Act 3 Sc 3 Line 23-24).Antonio believes that the others consider him a "good friend" and he uses this false interpretation to manipulate Sebastian to kill the king.
    However, Antonio is not viewed as a good-hearted friend or an authoritative figure. On the island Ariel says to Antonio, Sebastian, and Alonso "You are three men of sin... you fools" (Act 3 Sc 3 Line 70). Prospero too, does not see his brother in the shining light. "My brother and thy uncle, called Antonio- I pray thee, mark me- that a brother should be so Perfidious!....Thy false uncle." (Act 1 Sc 2 Line 84). Not only do Prospero and Ariel have a strong distaste for Antonio but Gonzalo as well. Antonio believes that Gonzalo considers him a "good friend" mean while Gonzalo tells Adrian "All three of them are desperate. Their great guilt, like poison given to work a great time after, now i 'gins to bite the spirits. I do beseech you that are of suppler joints, follow them swiftly and hinder them from what this ecstasy may no provoke them to do. Follow, I pray you." (Act 3 Sc 3 Line 127). Gonzalo tells Adrian to follow Antonio because he is senseless and will do something stupid. This is much different of how Antonio sees himself and how he believes others view him.

  11. 2)I would choose to perform my character in the direct characterization. Since Antonio is the antagonist in "The Tempest" it would make it all the more interesting. It's pretty obvious that Antonio is a power hungry fool that is not looked fondly upon but maybe there's a deeper reason for why he felt the need to overthrow his brother, or why he feels he needs to have ultimate power.

  12. A)
    1. Indirect and direct characterization differs in the point of view a person is seen. Direct characterization is the way someone a character views themselves and they see themselves as, while indirect characterization is the way someone else views that the same person. The way Antonio view himself is direct characterization. Antonio sees himself as a successful person for accomplishing his goal of taking over Prospero’s dukedom. He mentions his accomplishment while speaking to Sebastian of taking over throne “And look how well my garments sit upon me much feater than before…were then my fellows; now they are my men.” (Act 2 Sc 1 Lines 313-315). He also sees himself as someone who can decide what to do because he tells Sebastian what they could do to take advantage of the situation they face themselves in “I am right glad that he’s so out of hope. Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved t’ effect” (Act 3 Sc3 Lines 13-15). He tells Sebastian that they shall go for their original plan that failed them before, as in telling him what to do. Antonio sees himself as a humorous person when mocking Gonzalo with Sebastian because the vision Gonzalo has if he were to rule “What impossible matter will he make easy next” (Act 2 Sc 1 Lines 92-93). Lastly Antonio also views himself as someone of authority because he feels its right to yell at those he considers below his class. “Hang, you whoreson, insolent noisemaker!” (Act 1 Sc1 Lines 44-45). He calls the man disrespectful towards him and his people. These examples would be direct characterization because it is the way Antonio sees himself as. Indirect characterization would be the way others view and think of Antonio. Such as how foolish and immature Gonzalo thinks Antonio is “and did it to minister occasion to these gentlemen, who are of such sensible and nimble lungs that they always use to laugh at nothing.” (Act 2 Sc 1 Lines 19-192). Gonzalo views Antonio as a foolish man because he laughs for no reason “Who in this land of merry fooling am nothing to you, so you may continue and laugh at nothing still” (Act 2 Sc 1 Lines 194-196). Prospero views his brother as a deceiving person because of what he did and how he lied to him “I pray thee, mark me – that a brother should be so perfidious!” (Act 1 Sc 2). Prospero also sees Antonio as a backstabber for what he did to him and taking his place “And to my state grew stranger, being transported and rapt in secret studies. Thy false uncle” (Act 1 Sc 2). Prospero views him this way because it forced Prospero to keep his studies in private. These would be examples of indirect characterization.
    2. After looking at both types of characterization I would have to say that I would choose to perform my character in direct characterization. This would be because it would show the way the character views himself and it would be more accurate due to the fact that he has his reasons for acting that way. For example he’s demanding towards other people because he’s a duke man which would make him believe he has power over others, making him demanding. It would give people a better sense and understanding of the character if they saw their reasons and desires for what they do.

  13. Sarah-
    I agree with performing Antonio in direct characterization because he does show throughout what we have read that hes power hungry and he would do anything for his benefit. Such as setting Sebastian up to do what he plans so he could gain some power as well. It would allow others to view him as he truly is because it would be his perspective and no necessarily the way he view himself.

  14. James-
    Like Janet said indirect characterization is just as important as direct. If you only were able to read what the character said about themselves you wouldn't have an insight to others opinions, making the story both less interesting and less accurate.

  15. Jennifer, I disagree. I think it would be much more interesting to perform Antonio in an indirect characterization, to see how the others around him respond to his evil ways.

  16. Direct Examples:

    1)"I am right glad that he's so out of hope. Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved t'effect" (Act 3 scene 3 lines 13-15).

    2)"Let it be tonight, for now they are oppressed with travel, they will not nor cannot use such vigilance as when they are fresh" (Act 3 scene 3 lines 18-21).

    3) " Fie, what a spendthrift is he of his tongue" (Act 2 scene 1 line 26).

    4) "Long live Gonzalo!" (Act 2 scene 1 line 186)

    Indirect Examples:

    1)Gonzalo: "I do well believe your highness and did it to minister occasion to these gentlemen, who are of such sensible and nimble lungs that they always use to laugh at nothing" (Act 2 scene one lines 189-192).

    2)Prospero: "The king of Naples, being an enemy of me inveterate, hearkens my brother's suit, which was that he,in lieu o' th 'premises of homage and I knew not how much tribute, should presently extirpate me and mine out of the dukedom and confer fair Milan, with all the honors on my brother..."(Act 1 scene 2 lines 145-151)

    3)Prospero: "....I pray thee, mark me-that a brother should be so perfidious!...."(Act 1 scene 2 lines 85-86).

    4)Prospero: "....Fated to th' purpose did Antonio open the gates of Milan, and i' th' dead of darkness the ministers for th' purpose hurried thence me and thy crying self" (Act 1 scene 2 lines 153-156).

  17. Matt-
    You have a point but then if Antonio is performed directly, it would give a better sense of why he does things. What others might assume of him might not be fair for why they think that way.

  18. 1)Direct and indirect characterization differs from each other according to the point of view of the character. Direct characterization is where the character shows how he/she views him/herself. It is getting its traits directly from itself. Indirect characterization includes others. This is when other characters show their views of that character.

    2) I would choose to perform my character based on the direct characterization. It seems original to choose what a person thinks of themselves. Indirect characterization would me being what other people think. It would be a more precise since e is being judged based on his own actions and such. There can b false accusations from other characters based on situations or actions done to them by he character.

  19. -Matthew

    I disagree with the disagreement you made with Jennifer's response. Antonio seems to be evil enough without the indirect characterization. Other characters think of him in this way because of his evil actions and what comes first...his evil ways. The other characters can't think of him being evil without him actually showing that he is evil and you know he is evil according to the direct actions he commits.
